05. Cardiac Electrical Activity

Cards (15)

  • sinoatrial node is the pacemaker that spontaneously generates action potentials
  • atrioventricular node causes delay, also spontaneously generates action potentials but slower than the sinoatrial node
  • pacemaker membrane potential = constant updrift towards threshold value
    • found in sinoatrial node
    • also found in atrioventricular node but more gradual slope so slower action potential generation
  • pacemaker potential in sinoatrial node caused by inwards Na+ movement there through HCN channels and inwards Ca2+ movement
    • this outweighs outwards K+
    • once threshold reached voltage gated Ca2+ channels open
    • repolarisation occurs via voltage gated K+ channels
  • sympathetic activity on the sinoatrial node:
    • noradrenaline acts on beta 1 NAdRs to increase heart rate via increased Na+ and Ca2+ influx
    • leads to steeper slope of pacemaker potential
    • positive chronotropic effect
  • parasympathetic activity of sinoatrial node:
    • ACh from vagus nerve acts on M2 AChRs to decrease heart rate via an increase in K+ efflux
    • flatter slope
    • negative chronotropic effect
  • vagal tone dominates over sino-atrial node so heart rte at rest is 60-70bpm compared to 80-100
  • AV delay ensures atrial depolarisation, contraction and ejection before ventricles depolarise
  • heart rate is driven by the fastest pacemaker, the sinoatrial node
  • action potential of ventricular cardiac myocytes:
    1. rapid depolarisation - opening of voltage gated Na+ channels leads to influx of Na+
    2. partial rapid repolarisation - inactivation of Na+ and activation of VG gated K+ channels
    3. plateau - opening of voltage gated Ca2+ channels, inwards Ca2+ and outward K+ means balanced
    4. terminal repolarisation - outwards K+ due to delayed rectifier K+ channel opening
  • absolute refractory period = no chance of action potential being triggered
  • relative refractory period = can generate action potential but more difficult
  • refractory period is determined by the number of available and recovered voltage gated Na+ channels
  • Na+ channels recover faster at more negative membrane potentials - long action potential = longer refractory period
  • cardiac myocytes have gap junctions allowing passage of positively charged ions if there is a charge gradient - can trigger action potential in an adjacent cell
    • determined by charge gradient between cells
    • conduction velocity is set by magnitude of depolarising current
    • can be modified by gap junction expression/function