Rites of passage

Cards (6)

  • Varnashramadharma
    . Hindus believe society depends on everyone fulfilling their dharma (duty) according to their ashrama (stage of life) and varna (position within society)
    . It is linked to the law of karma; our varna (caste / position in society) is based on karma from past lives
  • Upanayana (Sacred Thread) Ceremony
    . A Hindu initiation ceremony where a boy will be given sacred threads which he will wear for the rest of his life
    . Wearing the threads shows that the young person is ready to carry out his religious duties
    . The guru and the boy sit near to the sacred fire ‒ hymns and prayers are chanted
  • Nam Samskar (naming) Ceremony
    . The Om symbol drawn on the tongue with gold pen dipped in honey
    . The father whispers the name in the baby’s ea
    . The mother washes and the father shaves for the first time since the birth
  • Mundan (shaving) Ceremony

    . It usually takes place during the child’s first year
    . The shaved hair is either offered to a deity or to a sacred river e.g. Ganges
    . The hair from birth is associated with bad karma from past lives. The child is freshly shaven to signify freedom from the past and moving into the future
  • Hindus Funeral Rites
    . The funeral is held the day after the person dies
    . Cremation is usually practiced, on a funeral pyre, as it is believed to help release the soul (atman)
    . The body is placed with the feet facing south towards the god of death (Yama)
  • Hindu Marriage Ceremony
    . Greeting of the groom by women and children to show the coming together not only of two people, but two families
    . Lighting a fire and sprinkling of grain into the flames to symbolise the wish for fertility
    . Placing of bride's toe on a stone – signifying obedience and loyalty to her husband