Definitions of abnormality

Cards (9)

  • What is the medical definition of abnormality?

    Specific symptoms
    Deviates from the norm and harms the affected individual
    Implies recognisable behaviour
    Allows for diagnosis, treatment and progression
    DSM-IV-R​ describes the diagnostic features of abnormal behaviours​
    Clinician match the individual's behaviour with the criteria they have ​
    The DSM helps to sort out the various categories of disorders, identify the disorder most suitable to describe the condition of the individual​
  • What is statistical infrequency?
    Abnormal = numerically (statistically ) rare
    Based on the concept of the relative frequency of behaviours in the population​
    Using this definition, you can classify behaviours within a distribution. Most of the 'normal' population would fall into the middle ranges of a bell-shaped curve.​ Moving away from the middle implies the person is numerically abnormal .
    Mainly useful for characteristics that can be measured.
    Bell curve
  • What are the weaknesses of statistical infrequency ?
    Some numerically rare (abnormal) traits are not necessarily a negative thing. For example, having IQ, under this definition would be considered abnormal - this doesn't require treatment and is often a desirable thing.
    Depression is numerically common, therefore under this definition would not be considered abnormal. This is not true, therefore this definition cannot be used alone in order to make a diagnosis.
    Very simplistic - several dimensions e.g. "how the individual functions socially" are overlooked.
  • What is failure to function adequately?
    Interfering with daily life and routine. An inability to cope with day-to-day activities​
    Causing distress or discomfort to themselves or to others​
    Not going to work, reduced eating, no social life ​
  • What is a strength and weakness of failure to function adequately?
    S - Considers the individual and their perspective, includes the subjective experience of the patient.
    W - Exceptions – sometimes behaviour is not abnormal if there is a justification e.g. Gandhi’s hunger strike​.
  • What is deviation from ideal mental health?
    Jahoda's ( 1958) characteristics she believed promoted psychological health:
    Self-actualisation​ (focusing on the future/realising potential)​
    Positive attitude towards self​ (having high self-esteem and a sense of identity)​
    Resistance to stress ​(having the necessary coping strategies)​
    Personal autonomy ​(being self-contained and independent)​
    Mastering the environment (being competent in all areas of life)​
    Accurate perception of reality ​(being able to see oneself and the world in realistic terms)​
  • What are two weaknesses of deviation from ideal mental health?
    Difficult to meet all criteria - unlikely that many people would be able to meet all the criteria and therefore using this definition most people are abnormal. This means it is setting an unrealistically high standard for mental health​​
    Culturally relative​, criteria are based on a Western idea of psychological health including views of individuality e.g. personal autonomy​. The definition is not appropriate for collectivist societies who would not value autonomy​
  • What is deviation from social norms?
    All societies have unwritten rules about acceptable standards of behaviour ​e.g. norms of decency and politeness. If a person behaves in a way that is different from what most of society do and do not follow the standards set by society = they are considered abnormal​
    Conformity to these standards defines normal behaviour, whereas deviation from these standards defines abnormal - E.g. Antisocial personality disorder
  • What are 3 weaknesses of deviation from ideal mental health?
    Social norms change over time e.g. homosexuality this wasn't excepted before 1973. Definition is shaped by current attitudes could lead to unfair treatment or abuse of human rights.
    Social norms are culture dependent - hearing voices in western societies is considered abnormal but, in some cultures, this is respected/praised. This means that there is no universal standard and could lead to different diagnoses across cultures. ​
    Many professionals believe that abnormality is more than just breaking social norms.