Lesson 1

Cards (46)

  • "わたし" is "I"
  • ”わたしたち” is "We"
  • "あなた" is "You"
  • "あのひと” is "That person, he, or she"
  • "あのかた" is the polite form of "That person, he, or she"
  • ”みなさん” is "Ladies and gentlemen, or all of you"
  • "~さん" is "Mr., or Ms." which is a suffix added to one's name to show respect
  • "~ちゃん” is a suffix added to a child's name instead of "~さん”
  • "~くん” is a suffix added to a boy's name instead of "~さん”
  • ”~じん” is "A national of" which is a suffix added to a country to indicate one's nationality
  • ”せんせい” is "Teacher, or instructor" and is not used to refer to one's self
  • "きょうし” is "Teacher, or instructor"
  • "がくせい" is "Student"
  • "かいしゃいん” is "Company employee"
  • "しゃいん” is "Employee of" and is used together with the company name
  • "ぎんこういん" is "Bank employee"
  • "いしゃ" is "Doctor"
  • "けんきゅうしゃ" is "Researcher, or scholar"
  • "エンギニア” is "Engineer"
  • "だいがく" ​is "University"
  • "びょういん" is "Hospital"
  • "でんき" is "Electricity, or light"
  • "だれ” is "Who"
  • "どなた” is polite form of "Who"
  • "~さい” is a suffix added to a number and means "years old"
  • "なんさい” is "How old"
  • "おいくつ" is the polite form of "How old"
  • "はい" is "Yes"
  • "いいえ" is "No"
  • "しつれいですが" is "Excuse me, but"
  • "おなまえは” is "May I have your name"
  • "はじめまして" is "How do you do" and is used when meeting someone for the first time
  • ”どうぞ よろしく[おねがいします]" is "Pleased to meet you" and is used to end self-introduction
  • "こちらわ 〜さんです" is " This is Mr. or Ms. ~"
  • "~からきました" is a suffix used after a country and means "I come from"
  • "アメリカ" is "USA"
  • "イギリス" is "UK"
  • "インド" is "India"
  • "インドネシア” is "Indonesia"
  • "かんこく" is "South Korea"