
Cards (9)

  • Religious Teachings about Forgiveness
  • Examples of forgiveness arising from personal beliefs
  • Christianity:
    . When Anthony Walker was murdered in Liverpool, in a racially motivated attack, his mother said she forgave his killers due to her Christian faith
  • Hinduism:
    . Gandhi was a pacifist who tried to achieve justice for others in India
    · He forgave those who were violent towards him and those who imprisoned him
  • Attitudes to Peace and Conflict:
  • Christianity:
    . Ten Commandments: ‘Do not kill’
    · Jesus taught us to be peacemakers
    · Jesus said that we should ‘turn the other cheek’; we should not retaliate
    . However, The Old Testament also teaches ‘an eye for an eye’ - War might be acceptable if you are attacked
    · Many Christians agree with the ‘Just War’ theory
  • Hinduism
    . All life has atman (a soul which is part of God)
    . Therefore, harming another person is harming part of God (Brahman)
    · War is seen as going against the principle of ahimsa (non-violence)
    · Violence can lead to negative karma
    · Gandhi said ‘There are many causes I am prepared to die for but none that I am prepared to kill for’
  • Other views
    . Violence can lead to more violence which escalates and gets worse
    · Reconciliation is very difficult once both sides have fought back However – Many people consider fighting against an evil dictator such as Hitler to be justified
  • ‘Just War’ Theory - The Christian, St. Thomas Aquinas, described the conditions for a just war. The conditions are:
    . Fought for a good reason such as in self - defence or to protect the innocent
    . Must be a last resort
    · Must be a chance of success
    . Only necessary force must be used Civilians should not be attacked