Cards (11)

  • What is major depressive disorder?

    Five or more depressive symptoms including sad mood for 2 weeks +
  • What is persistent depressive disorder?
    Low mood and at least two other symptoms of depression at least half of the time for 2 years.
  • What is premenstrual dysphoric disorder?
    Mood symptoms in the week before menses
  • What is disruptive mood dysregulation disorder?
    Severe recurrent temper outbursts and persistent negative mood for at least 1 year beginning before age 10
  • What is Bipolar 1 disorder?
    At least one lifetime manic episode
  • What is Bipolar 2 disorder?
    At least one lifetime hypomanic episode and one major depressive episode
    No lifetime manic episode
  • What is Cyclothymia?
    Recurrent mood changes from high to low for at least 2 years, without hypomanic or depressive episodes
  • What are affective symptoms of depression?
    Lowered mood , crying , anhedonia, anxiety , nervousness or irritability and may experience feelings of self - blame, worthlessness and guilt.  ​Feelings may fluctuate and be worse at certain times of the day (diurnal variation) and implies that normal biological rhythms may be disturbed in some cases (Blatt, 2010)​
  • What are cognitive symptoms of depression?
    Cognitive changes / abnormal thinking, difficulty concentrating, indecisiveness often believe that only ‘bad’ things will happen. They frequently feel helpless and unable or unwilling to take any action that could improve their situation. Feelings of self-blame, worthlessness, hopelessness and helplessness become so severe they take on a delusional quality. ​ ​
  • What are behavioural symptoms of depression?
    neglecting personal appearance, unkempt look and some will neglect personal hygiene. Social withdrawal is common. Psychomotor retardation(the slowing down of thoughts and physical activities). Conversations appear to be difficult, or at times impossible. ​Anxiety, tension and/or restlessness associated with physical hyperactivity.​
  • What are somatic symptoms of depression?
    Sleep disturbance, change in appetite and weight, gastrointestinal complaints, constipationdry mouth, heavy feelings in the abdomen, loss of libido, women my experience menstrual irregularityaches and pains, tingling or numbness in the extremities, headache.​