The incarnation is when God tookonthehumancondition to become jesus
Quote ~ Luke 1:26-38 Annunciation
“He will be Great and called the son of the mosthigh”
Quote ~ Matthew 1:18-24 Angel Gabriel meets joseph
“For the child conceived in her is from the holyspirt. She will bear a son and name him jesus, for he will savehispeoplefromtheirsins“
For ChristIan’s , the fact that God was prepared to experience being human shows how much God loves the human race.
God knows what it is like to be human , and this helps Christians to value Gods love
(Incarnation) the word of God
the word of God is anothername for the son of God who is both fully God and a separate person of the trinity
John 1:14 tells how the word of God became human in the form of Jesus - which sometimes called ‘the word of God made flesh“
as the word of God Jesus is Gods expression of his loveforhuman.
Incarnatio - the word of God John 1:14
“And the word became flesh and lived among us and we have seenhisglory , glory as of a fathers only son, full of grace and truth”
What is the ichthus ( fish)
used for christians as a declaration of their faith
it showed they believe Jesus Christ was the son of God and saviour.
alpha and omega
God and jesus are involved in everything from the beginning till end
used in churchled, vestments and Christian art
placed in a special place on the paschal candle ( candle lit at the Easter vigil to represent the risen Christ)
The cross represents the crucifixion of Jesus and reminds Christians of his suffering and death.
The cross is used by Christians to show their belief in Jesussacrifice . It can also be worn as jewellery or displayed in churches and homes.
reminder of the death of jesus
reminds christians that Jesus was sent by God to save humanity through his death
has great power to inspire Christians
Pieces of poetry from the book of psalms in the Old Testament often set to music and sung as part of worship, used for the praise of God and the joy of praising God through song
Ancient form of music, usually sung unaccompanied, to a limited range of notes, used by the Catholic Church and considered ideal for use in mass
Traditional hymns
Religious songs that praise God, have been used by generations of believers, used to help people feel involved in worship, ability to help people praise God had proven over many years
Contemporary worship songs
Religious songs that have been written recently to use in worship, used to help people feel involved in worship, some think it's disrespectful because it's upbeat nature can distract people rather than help them focus on God
Mass settings
The parts of mass that are sung rather than said (the alleluia, the Santus, the Gloria), used for simpler mass settings help people to feel involved in worship
Teachings - the crucifixion
Isaiah 53:5 - “ he was beaten so we could be a whole …… he was whipped so we could be healed”
Prayer -
1 Peter 5:7 - “ give all your worries and cares to God , for he cares about you “
Sins and Salvation
(being saved) saving the soul and delieverance from sin and admission to heaven “ for the wages for sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life”
Quote - nature of God
Omnipotent- all powerful “ let there be light”
Omnibenevolence- “ for God loved the world he gave his one and only son”
quote evil and suffering
God have eve and Adam free will
Is he neither able nor willing ? then why call him God? - Epicurus
“ the lord is our god , the lord alone“ - Old Testament
“this is my son whom I am well pleased“ - Matthew
”in the beginning he created the heavens and the earth“
“ God said let there be light and there was light”
‘Man was created before animals’ - shows we as humans are more important to him
Woman was created from the rib of a man after animals - jesus was present before creation in genesis 2
“ then Jesus said lord forgive them ; for they have not know what they are doing“ - Luke
Sin , salvation , atonement
“by the grace of God I am what I am “
“For the son of man came. Not to be serves but to serve and to give his life ransom for many “ mark - Atonement
Resurrection and life after death
’After the lord Jesus has spoke to them he was taken up into heaven ‘ like - Ascension
‘ truly I tell you ,today you will be with me in paradise’ luke
Heaven and hell
“ he will wipe away any tear from their eye and death shall be no more”
Then they ( the goats) will go to eternal punishment but the righteous ( the sheep) to eternal life