By the end of this video you should be able to correctly label a diagram of a plant cell and describe the functions of the different parts of a plant cell
Plant cells contain structures that animal cells do not, including chloroplasts, cell walls, and large permanent vacuoles
Plant cells
Have a regular shape, unlike animal cells which can easily change shape
Are packed full of green structures (chloroplasts)
Contain chlorophyll and are the sites of photosynthesis
Cell wall
Made from cellulose, strengthens the cell
Large permanent structure filled with cell sap, helps give the plant cell its shape
Structures common to both plant and animal cells
Cell membrane
Plants are eukaryotes, like animals
Nucleus contains genetic material
Cytoplasm is where chemical reactions take place
Cell membrane controls what molecules enter and leave the cell
Mitochondria carry out aerobic respiration
Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis
You will find plenty of questions on plant cells in the revision workbook