Lecture 10

Cards (6)

  • Identity and Ethnicity
    Ethnic identity not key for caucasians. Ethnic minorities are central for identity formation
  • Cross's Racial Identity Development Model
    Pre-encounter; aware of differences. Encounter; experience discrimination. Immersion; strongly identify with values of their own ethnic group. Internalization; new recognitions emerge
  • Phinney's Stage Model
    1. Unexamined ethnic identity, 2. ethnic identity research, 3. achieved ethnic identity
  • Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteeme
    Those who explored their ethnic identity and then made a commitment had higher levels of self-esteem
  • Discrimination and Minority Group
    experiences of discrimination linked to self-concept and self-esteem, leads to lower self-concept in minority groups
  • Rejection-Identification Model
    Perceived/experiences of discrimination may lead to increased in-group identification. Maintains wellbeing