Analyses the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables
Correlation and regression analyses
Differentiate between the two
Correlation coefficient
Measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables
Types of correlation coefficients
Pearson's correlation coefficient
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
Kendall's tau
Interpretation of correlation coefficients
Positive, negative, or no correlation
Strength of correlation (weak, moderate, strong)
Visualize the relationship between variables
Correlation analysis has limitations and assumptions
Regression model
Consists of predictor variables (independent variables), outcome variable (dependent variable), and a regression equation
Types of regression models
Simple linear regression
Multiple linear regression
Logistic regression
Indicates the change in the dependent variable for a one-unit change in the independent variable
The value of the dependent variable when the independent variable is zero
The difference between the observed and predicted values of the dependent variable
Regression analysis has assumptions: linearity, independence of errors, homoscedasticity, normality of residuals
Model fit and goodness of fit measures
squared, adjusted R-squared, AIC, BIC
Statistical software is used to conduct correlation and regression analyses
Statistical software output should be interpreted to understand the results of correlation and regression analyses
Parametric tests make assumptions about the underlying data distribution and are suitable for interval or ratio data.
Nonparametric tests do not make distributional assumptions and are suitable for ordinal, nominal, or non-normally distributed data.
Parametric tests are more powerful and efficient when the assumptions are met, while nonparametric tests are more flexible and robust but may have lower power in certain situations.
When assumptions of normality are violated, the underlying data does not follow a normal distribution
Violations of normality can lead to inaccurate results and reduced statistical power in parametric tests
Presence of outliers can greatly influence the results of statistical analyses
Data points that are significantly different from the rest of the data
Outliers can skew the distribution and impact the estimates of central tendency and variability
Outliers may distort the results of both parametric and nonparametric tests, leading to biased estimates and inaccurate conclusions
Small sample size
Having a limited number of observations in the dataset
With small sample sizes, statistical tests may lack power to detect true effects or differences between groups
Small sample sizes can also increase the risk of Type I and Type II errors, making it challenging to draw reliable conclusions from the data
Data measurement inaccuracy
Errors or inaccuracies in the measurement process
Measurement inaccuracy can introduce noise and bias into the data, affecting the validity and reliability of statistical analyses
Alpha (α)
The significance level chosen by the researcher before conducting a hypothesis test
Type I error
The rejection of a true null hypothesis
Commonly used significance levels
0.05 (5%)
0.01 (1%)
Serves as the threshold for determining whether the observed results are statistically significant
Smaller alpha value
Indicates a more stringent criterion for rejecting the null hypothesis
The probability of observing the teststatistic (or more extreme) under the assumption that the nullhypothesis is true
Smaller p-value
Suggestsstrongerevidenceagainst the null hypothesis and greatersupportfor the alternative hypothesis
Ifp-valueislessthanorequaltoalpha (p ≤ α)
The null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternativehypothesis
Ifp-valueisgreaterthanalpha (p > α)
The nullhypothesis is notrejected
A guideline for making decisions based on the comparison of the p-value to the chosensignificance level (alpha)
Ifp-valueislessthanorequaltoalpha (p ≤ α)
The results are considered statistically significant, and the nullhypothesis is rejected