Detailed life cycle of liver flukes
1. The life cycle begins on the adult flukes that live on the bile duct of their host
2. The adult flukes lay eggs that will be passed onto the host's feces
3. After that, the egg will proceed to the "miracidium stage", which they will hatch into "miracidia" or a "free-swimming larva"
4. They require a moist environment to hatch
5. As they reach the miracidium stage, they will seek for a host, which is a snail, so that they can develop into sporocyst and will further develop into cercariae
6. When they become a cercariae, this is the time that it will emerge from the snail and will swim into the water or suitable vegetation to live
7. After they find a vegetation, they will be enclosed in cysts and will transform into "metacercariae"
8. This is the time that they will wait when to be ingested by the host
9. The host could be infected by this metacercariae through ingesting contaminated water or food. It can also enter the body of the host through direct skin contact with contaminated water or food
10. Next is the infective stage, which is when they will enter the second host and will migrate to the liver through the bloodstream
11. In the liver, they will transform into adult flukes and later on migrate to the bile duct of the host, where they will reproduce sexually, releasing eggs that will be excreted on the hostʼs feces for the next life cycle