Unit 1

Subdecks (1)

Cards (108)

  • Inclusive education
    The philosophy of accepting all children regardless of race, size, shape, color, ability or disability with support from school staff, students, parents, and the community
  • Special education needs
    Children who differ in mental characteristics, sensory ability, neuromuscular or physical characteristics, social, multiple handicaps and/or and therefore require tailored school practices or special education services
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) - United States

    Federal law that helps ensure local schools serve the educational needs of students with disabilities
  • Purposes of IDEA
    • To ensure all children with disabilities have access to free appropriate public education
    To ensure the rights of children with disabilities and their parents are protected
    To assist states, localities, agencies to provide education for all children with disabilities
    To assist states in implementing early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities
    To ensure educators and parents have tools to improve educational results for children with disabilities
    To assess and ensure the effectiveness of efforts to educate children with disabilities
  • Inclusive education - South Korea
    The provision of education to persons eligible for special education in a regular school with other persons of the same age which is suitable for the educational needs of each individual without any discrimination according to the type and level of disability
  • Special education needs - South Korea
    Learners with visual, hearing, mental or physical impairments, emotional disturbance or behavioral disorders, autism, speech impairments, learning disabilities, health impairments, development delays, or other disabilities
  • Inclusive education settings - South Korea
    • Regular classes in regular schools
    Special classes in regular schools
    Special schools
    Medical institutions, home, or social facilities (with itinerant education)
  • Inclusive education in South Korea
    • Accessibility is comprehensively regulated
    Curriculum, textbooks, and teaching/learning materials are designed and adjusted according to type and degree of disability
    Students with disabilities have right to access adequate textbooks and assistive/alternative teaching equipment
  • Inclusive education - Japan

    A mechanism that enables persons with disabilities and persons without disabilities to learn together as much as possible
  • Special needs education - Japan
    Education for students with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities such as autism and learning disabilities, in consideration of their individual educational needs, which aims at full development of their capabilities and at their independence and social participation
  • Japan has not ratified the Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960)
  • The Basic Act on Education in Japan states that all children should not be discriminated in the education they receive, because of their race, religion, gender, social status, economic status or family origin
  • Special needs education
    Education for students with disabilities, in consideration of their individual educational needs, which aims at full development of their capabilities and at their independence and social participation
  • Basic Act on Education
    States that all children should not be discriminated in the education they receive, because of their race, religion, gender, social status, economic status or family origin
  • The report Building an Inclusive Education System to Form an Inclusive Society published by the MEXT states that in an inclusive education system, it is important to provide elementary and preschool children who have special needs with various and flexible means of learning as well as the means to pursue learning in the same classes with other students
  • It is necessary to provide regular classes in elementary and junior high school, instruction in special classes for students with disabilities, classes for students with special needs, and schools for special needs education, all as connecting 'diverse environments of learning'
  • In 2013, the MEXT implemented the model project "Developing inclusive education system" which aimed to consolidate good practices of providing reasonable accommodations to children with special educational needs, to implement exchange and cooperative learning platform and to conduct researches utilizing resources from the school clusters
  • Government support for school facilities
    • Assistance for construction or extension of school buildings or for large-scale renovation projects such as lifts, slopes and toilets for the persons with disabilities
    • National subsidies for the maintenance of necessary equipment such as 3D copy facilities, FM hearing aids, VOCA (voice output communication support aid), portable crime prevention bells, school buses, etc.
  • Special Needs Education School Facilities Development Guidelines
    • Accounting for the educational needs of each child with disabilities to guide service responses services
    • Establishing a high-level functional environment, capable of adapting to change
    • Ensuring a healthy and safe infrastructure
    • Maintaining the facilities in good condition, in cooperation with the local community
  • Self-reliance activities

    Maintenance of health, psychological stability, formation of human relationships, understanding of the environment, movement of the body and communication
  • The 2008 Education Act for Persons with Disabilities (EAPD) defines inclusive education as the process providing persons with disabilities access to general education system, at any level and in various settings, including enabling education provision to enable schooling for all groups of persons, including persons with disabilities
  • The National Education Plan for the Year 2017-2036 broadens the concept of inclusive education, referring to it as the education provision for all learners, including students in socio-economic disadvantaged situations
  • Learners with special educational needs
    Students with physical, mental, intellectual, social, emotional, communication, and learning impairments, and non-autonomous learners or without guardians
  • The 1999 National Education Act, amended in 2002, establishes that early childhood and basic education is provided in early childhood development institutions, schools, learning centers organized by non-formal education agencies, individuals, families, communities, community organizations, religious and other social institutions
  • The 2008 Education Act for Persons with Disabilities (EAPD) clarifies that persons with disabilities can be educated in regular settings and/or specific learning centers proving education in different forms, through inclusive education, specific education provision for disabilities, including rehabilitation services
  • Despite the 2008 EAPD and the intention to provide inclusion education for all, Thailand is still in a transition phase as regards inclusive education provision
  • Lack of adequate infrastructures and supportive services, such as transportation to school, remains one of the main barriers to inclusive education in Thailand
  • The 2007 PDEA regulates accessibility to and use of public spaces according to the needs of persons with disabilities
  • The teaching and learning of sign language as a first language for persons with hearing impairments has been promoted through sign language courses for parents and the development of bilingual education included in pre-primary and primary curriculums in 17 schools for students with hearing impairments under the Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC)
  • Thai sign language has been recognized as the official language of deaf persons
  • The 2007 Ministerial Regulations on Criteria and Procedures under Entitling Persons with Disabilities to Facilities, Auxiliary Technologies and Other Educational Assistance provides assistive technologies and other services for the non-formal or alternative education of persons with disabilities
  • The OBEC analyzed textbooks and teaching materials in 2007 to identify gender biases and formulated policy recommendations on their revision with support from UNICEF
  • Inclusive education
    (in the UAE) the process through which schools develop systems, classrooms, programs and activities so that all students are able to learn, develop and participate together. An inclusive school honors diversity and respects all individuals
  • Special education needs
    (in the UAE) related to students with any kind of disability, difficulty, degradation, exception, or other factor that may affect a student's learning or educational performance
  • The Law 29/2006 defines a person with special needs as an individual suffering from a temporary or permanent, full or partial deficiency or infirmity in their physical, sensory, mental, communication, educational or psychological abilities to an extent that limits their possibility of performing the ordinary requirements as people without special needs
  • Article 12 of the Federal Law No. 11 of 1972 states: "The State guarantees the holder of special needs equal opportunities in education in all educational institutions, vocational training, adult education and continuing education, whether within regular classes, private classes, with the provision of the curriculum in sign language, Braille, or by any other means as appropriate."
  • Federal Act 29/2006 mandates education for people with determination within the regular or special classes in mainstream schools, while providing the curriculum in sign language, Braille, or any other means as appropriate
  • The Department of Special Education follows-up all students and regulates registration of students with determination in regular classrooms within the two categories, namely integration and inclusion
  • With regard to integration, students with determination attend special education classes (4 subjects) and other subjects and activities with other regular students
  • Federal Law No. (29/2006) guarantees equal care, rights and opportunities for people of determination in education, health care, training and rehabilitation, and aims at providing all services required for them. It also places emphasis on integrating people of determination into public and private schools within the inclusive model