it is the aim of the Scottish Government to achieve net zero by 2045
windmill farms (using the wind)
solar pannels (using the sun)
hydro power (using rivers)
wave power (using the ocean waves)
Dundee city council has spent more than £46 million on improving external walls.
over 4,800 council homes are more energy efficient.
if people's homes are warmer they don't have to burn gas to heat their homes meaning they aren't releasing CO2
in 2021 Glasgow hosted COP26. this was hailed as the mostimportant climate conference ever. where 120 countries were represented.
solar panels
solar panels use the sun's heat energy to create electricity, this is a clean and renewable way to generate electricity.
turning off devices
when devices are left on stand-by they continue to use energy, which is often produced through the burning of coal (a fossil fuel). by turning off your devices it stops them burning coal.
food waste is broken down in a bin and then used as a fertiliser in people's gardens. when food is put in the bin and taken away by refuse collectors it ends up in landfill. the food rots and emits methane a potent greenhouse gas. composting prevents this from happening.
walking to school
children are picked up at 'bus stops' as they walk to school. this means that parents/careers are not emitting CO2 into the atmosphere when they drop their kids off at school.
electric vehicles
vehicles (e.g Tesla) are powered by electricity. this means that electricvehicles do not release CO2 as air pollution.