The quality of being all-powerful; having unlimited power
Beliefs about Allah's Omnipotence
Allah is the creator, sustainer and owner of all things
Allah can compel things and people to do whatever He wishes
Humankind will always need Allah and there is a reason for everything that happens
Allah sees every action and knows innermost thoughts and desires
Allah hears when they call Him
Qur'an 6: 102: 'This is God, your Lord, there is no God but Him, the Creator of all things, so worship Him; He is in charge of everything'
Qur'an 30: 54: 'Surely He makes whatever He wills. He is all-knowing and all-powerful'
One of the 99 names or characteristics of Allah, meaning the one who restores, resets, or fixes our brokenness
Muslims believe that Allah sees their every action and knows their innermost thoughts and desires and He hears when they call Him
Muslims give thanks to Allah for creating the world and all life
This is shown through prayer, rituals and the way they behave
Muslims can be secure in knowing that Allah knows what is happening in the world
They try to live their lives in accordance with the Qur'an
The idea that 'He is able to do all things'
Ensures a Muslim's submission to Him, displayed in devotion shown to Allah
The fact that everything happens for a reason
Gives Muslims strength during difficult times
Being within all things, and close to His people
Qur'an 50: 16: 'We are closer to human than his jugular vein'
Meaning of Qur'an 50:16
Allah is vital to human existence, trying to live without Allah is worse than death
Qur'an 57:4: 'And He is with you wherever you may be'
Meaning of Qur'an 57:4
Allah is always with Muslims as a guide and knows everything that is happening
Muslims believe God is active in the world and not a non-active bystander
Allah gives Muslims both the purpose and ability to live their lives
Being separate to the world, beyond it, which allows Allah to control and act in the world, but not be affected by it
Qur'an 6:103: 'No vision can grasp Him…He is above all comprehension'
Meaning of Qur'an 6:103
Allah is outside this world and everything that He created
Qur'an 42:11: 'Nothing there is like him'
Meaning of Qur'an 42:11
Allah is beyond human understanding and comparison, limitless and therefore He is not part of this world
Muslims believe that Allah is outside time, whereas humans are subject to time. Allah has no beginning or end, so He cannot be part of time
It is difficult for some to comprehend how God can be both immanent and transcendent particularly as the concepts appear to contradict
For Muslims, God can be both because He is everywhere and with everyone, but also above and greater than everyone
God is creator of the universe, therefore outside and not limited by the physical world, yet he is also within all things and compassionate towards people
For Muslims this means that God is limitless in terms of His power but that He also understands mankind
The quality of being kind, generous, and helpful
Compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm
Qur'an 27: 27-30: 'In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful'
For Muslims, God is viewed as the source of all goodness
His generosity is seen in his gift to humans of life on earth
He sent prophets as guides to the right path, so He is compassionate and humans have free will to follow His path
God's beneficence is linked to his mercy and compassion
The mercy of Allah is reflected in the rules within the Qur'an
Allah's mercy allows humans to exist, to live, and to love
Allah's compassion surrounds them and mercy helps them deal with being humans
The phrase 'In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy' that Muslims say to dedicate everything they do to God
Muslims believe that God is merciful: he understands their suffering, care for them and forgives them if they are truly sorry for any wrong they have done
Muslims believe that making mistakes is part of being human, but Allah always forgives those who repent