Lap 3 anicient civ review f ancient civ and mr classen

Cards (124)

  • What was the impact of the geography of Greece? (mountains)
    fertile land was limited
    mountains acted as natural barriers, but there were still invaders
    isolated greeks from one another multiple city states developing that are isolated from each other, no centralized government
    all develop individually
  • What was the impact of the geography of Greece? (sea)
    became skilled sailors, easy to trade, carried cargoes of olive oil, wine and marble, adapted new ideas from sailing through the mediterranean
  • Who were the Mycenaeans?
    early Greeks, war-like, traders, wealthy
    lived in separate city-states on the mainland (Athens)
    fought in the Trojan War
    valued : honor, courage, and strength
    ·Myceneans controlled the trade in the Mediterranean Sea and were warlike and extremely wealthy
  • Who is Henrich Schliemann?
    a wealthy German businessman who found evidence that the Trojan War did occur when he excavated troy
  • What were the "Dark Ages"?
    people left cities and trade declined, dormant, barely surviving, we think the iliad and odyssey were being composed
  • What was the Trojan War?
    10 year war between the Greeks and Troy; to avenge the abduction of helen by paris
  • Iliad and Odyssey
    Greek epic poems written by Homer; tells us about gods and goddesses, odyssey is about odysseus journey home to ithaca
  • Who is Homer?
    blind bard/poet; probably lived around 750 BC
  • Polis
    greek word that means Greek city-state
    your loyalty was to your city state
  • Acropolis
    high city; where government and worship took place
  • Agora
    farm land/ village below Acropolis; markets, theater, public buildings, regular life, lower level
  • citizen
    male landowners held all the political power and the rights of citizens were unequal
  • Sparta
    greek city state
    · Agrarian - no industry or trade
    · Don't have much food, they must learn how to survive on less
    · Sparta is about figuring out how to survive and doing without
    · You don't bond with family you bond with the other boys so you will be willing to fight for those boys when you become a spartan solider
    · Valued military skills and discipline
    lived a life with no luxuries
    major rival of athens
    didnt interact with the other city states, they liked being independent
    take military so so so so seriously
    "come home with your shield or on it"
  • Sparta role of men
    age 7 taken from home and into training, could marry at 20, had to live in barracks
    · taken at a young age and trained to fight, trained to survive and steal
  • Sparta role of women
    · trained just like boys, not trained to be professional soldiers but trained to defend the city state, expected to run the city state while the men were off fighting. Less patriarchal then other city states they respect women
  • Spartan Government
    ·Two kings in Sparta, one leads the armies and the other runs the city states with a council of advisors and with the women
  • Phalanx
    A military formation of foot soldiers armed with spears and shields developed by sparta
  • Hoplite
    a greek solider who was heavily armed
  • Helots
    · did all the labor, all the agrarian work, outnumbered the Spartans, could overthrow the Spartans but did not
  • Athens
    located in Attica
    diverse trading city-state
    values: education, the arts, beauty, wealth, luxury, and creativity
    many great achievements in art, science, and politics
    opposite of Sparta
  • Athen Role of Women
    · Women were expected to be guided by the men, they could not own property or run businesses or participate in public life at all
    Expected to stay in the house, no education
  • Athen government

    began as monarchy, progressed to aristocracy, and eventually a democracy
  • democracy
    a government by the people
  • What was the democracy like in Athens?
    limited; only citizens could participate in government (citizen = land owning male)
    Athens gave people a say in decision making than any other ancient civilization, first people to have a democratic government
  • What was education like in Athens?
    only for men (upper class boys); learned to read, to write, music, art, physical education (beauty)
  • What were the 5 forces of unity?
    1. spoke the same language
    2. read the same literature honoring same heroes
    3. followed the same religion
    4. participated in Olympic games
    5. were proud to be Greek (no matter what city they were from) and looked down on others who were not Greek
  • Oracle of Delphi
    A female priest of Apollo who they thought the god gave answers, priestess who made predictions about the future
  • Persian Wars
    a series of battles between 500-479 BCE
    BEGAN: King Darius I of Persia wanted to punish Athens for helping Greek colonies in Asia Minor to rebel against Persian rule
    RESULTS: Greek city-states came together to defeat the Persians; gave Greeks a heightened feeling that they were special or unique, · Athens emerges from the wars as the most powerful city-state
  • Battle of Marathon
    Darius crosses Aegean sea, landed in Marathon
    Athens only had 1/2 the army the Persians had; Athens still won
    forced Persians to retreat (only to come back 10 years later)
    proved that the Greeks could beat the Persians
  • Pheidippides
    Athenian who ran from Marathon to Athens to spread good news
  • Battle of Thermopylae
    sparta helped the athenians and held off the persians with 300 of there men for three days so athenians could escape, before persia came for them. all 300 men died, and persia burned athens to the ground
  • King Xerxes of Persia
    son of Darius; went back to Greece to avenge his father. king of persia during thermopyles
  • King Leonidas
    King of Sparta; military commander in Battle of Thermopylae; stayed with his men
  • Battle of Salamis
    battle between boats, athenians have a strong navy and persians have boats that are hard to move, athenians won and persians went home
  • Herodotus
    Father of history, his stories were often exaggerated and not reliable
  • Delian League
    military alliance led by Athens; a formal agreement between two or more nations or powers to cooperate and come to one another's defenses
  • What was the "Golden Age of Athens"?

    a period of new achievements under the leadership of Pericles; time when arts, culture, and democracy flourished; later ended by Peloponnesian War
  • Pericles
    Athenian ruler who urged all citizens to get involved in government; believed all citizens had the responsibility of voting, holding office, serving on a jury; during his reign was the "Golden Age", wealthy and powerful, everything was prosperous
  • Ostracism
    vote to banish, or send away, a public figure whom they saw as a threat to their democracy
  • Peloponnesian War
    (431-404 BCE) The war between Athens and Sparta that in which Sparta won, but left Greece as a whole weak and ready to fall to its neighbors to the north
    · The Athenians started to abuse their power and the other city states started to go against them
    · athens has a strong navy sparta has a strong army
    sparta got help from persia
    · Both sides lost so many populations, and money and resources. Greece is never the same again, opens them up to invasion.