Establishment of DA

Cards (5)

  • Petrograd Soviet
    • akin to a union, made up of soldiers and workers, democratic
    • created order no. 1 which said the PG should only be obeyed if they agree with the soviet: weapons were controlled by the PS soldiers committee: got rid of honorific titles in the army and gave soldiers full citizens rights for example, they no longer had to salute when off duty
    • included Mensheviks, Social Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks
  • Provisional Government
    • led by Prince Lvov, comprised of the remaining pro constitutional monarchists and influential elites- kadets and liberals
    • Widely accepted as legitimate
    • a temporary body, planned to hold elections asap for a Constituent Assembly
  • Dual Authority
    • PG and PS both occupied the Tauride Palace, PG in the right and PS in the left
    • only Kerensky was a member of both
    • PG worked to punish deserters but the PS wanted to end war
    • PG held off on CA elections, which meant key policy like legitimising land seizure was pushed back
    • When PG foreign minister announced the continuation of the war and was met with protest he and the minister of war both resigned, Kerensky then became minister of war and chaiman of the pg
  • pg liberals
    • dominant in the pg and kadets were the dominant force but werent united, Milyukov said the revolution was over. they wanted democracy where some wanted more social reform
    • continue war
    • wanted land reform through CA
    • didnt want national minority independece/ empire to be broken
    • realised people wouldnt vote for the so delayed elections until after the war
  • ps socialists
    • SRs, mensheviks, bolsheviks
    • prepared to cooperate with pg but wanted to ensure the people's interests werent ignored
    • defensive war
    • land redistribution for CA
    • wanted national minority independence
    • srs and mensheviks dominateed the PS