Components of fitness

Cards (27)

  • Components of physical fitness
    • Aerobic endurance
    • Muscular endurance
    • Muscular strength
  • Components of skill-related fitness
    • Power
    • Agility
    • Reaction time
    • Speed
    • Flexibility
    • Body composition
    • Balance
    • Coordination
  • Aerobic endurance is required for the cardiovascular system to keep supplying oxygen and nutrients to the body during events or sports lasting more 30 minutes such as long-distance running
  • Muscular endurance is required for the muscles to be able to keep contracting for sports lasting more than 30 minutes such as cycling
  • Muscular strength is required for sports and events that require high levels of force such as throwing a shotput
  • Power is required for explosive movement such as vaulting in gymnastics or performing a lay up in basketball
  • Agility is required for activities that need quick changes of direction such as dodging the opposition in a team game or in freestyle skiing
  • Reaction time is required for any activity where a quick decision or response to a stimulus is needed such as a swimmer diving into the pool to start a race
  • Speed is required for sports or events requiring fast movement such as 100 m sprint
  • Flexibility is required for activities needing a wide range of movement around a joint such as gymnastics or martial arts
  • Body composition can be required to perform well in certain sports such as gymnastics requiring low body fat or rugby players having a high muscle mass
  • Balance is required for an activity where the person needs to control the distribution of weight or to remain upright and steady such as a gymnast on a balance beam
  • Coordination is required for any activity where a person is having to move two or more body parts and can include the use of sporting equipment
  • FITT principle

    • Frequency - how many training sessions per week
    • Intensity - how hard? (as a percentage of maximum intensity)
    • Time - how long will the training session last?
    • Type - what type of training method and exercises will be used?
  • Part of the process of fitness testing requires the person administering the test to ensure the results are reliable and valid
  • Validity
    How accurate a set of results are. That is, do the results really measure what we want them to?
  • Reliability
    The ability to repeatedly carry out the same test and expect comparable results each time
  • Practicality
    How suitable the test is for the given situation, the person administering the test and the people taking part in the test
  • Fitness tests for Aerobic endurance:
    Multi stage fitness test- 20m distance
    Yo-yo test
    Harvard step
    12 minutes cooper run
  • Fitness tests for muscular endurance:
    One mineuet press ups
    one minuets sit up
    timed plank
  • Fitness tests for flexibility:
    Sit and reach test- measures your flexibility in your hamstrings and lower back
    Calf muscle test
    Shoulder flexibility test- rotate arms till the rope travels over your head.
  • Fitness tests for body composition:
    Bmi- body weight÷height2
    Bia- bioelectrical impedance analysis
    Waist to hip ratio-waist ÷ hip
  • Fitness tests for agility:
    illinois test- 10m long and 5m wide lie face down at the start
    T test
  • Stages of a warm up.
    Pulse raiser- increases blood flow by muscles contracting which generates heat that warms up the muscles.
    Mobiliser- increasing of synovial fluid in the joints by doing dynamic stretches.
    Stretches- static active is when stretching without movement for a short period of time.
    Static passive- is when your stretching with another person or object.
  • Fitness methods for aerobic endurance:
    Interval training- exercising at 60-80% max with a recovery period.
    Contionus training- excersing at a constant moderate intensity.
    Fartlek- Contionus training in moderate combined with higher intensity training
    Circuit training- using number of stations with different exercises.
  • Fitness methods for power:
    Plymetrics- using maximum force at the fastest time possiable to jump over a box
  • Fitness test for balance:
    Static balance- ability to remain upright while being stationary
    Dynamic balance- abillity to remain upright while moving