government has been criticised by its opponents that its not been doing enough about climate change
farmers are already adapting to more regular, longer dry periods and fire season
donations of food and goods clog up halls used for recovery meetings and communities and local businesses actually need money to help rebuild the local economy
people are getting the support they needeither from the givernments $2 billion recovery fund or from NGOs
people used to be advised to stay at home and protect their property during wildfires however that was when wildfires were minor, localised and easily controlled. Now the authority tells people if it is safe to stay or if they should go
advancements in technology are leading to more advanced monitoring and warning systems making it easier to respond to wildfires due to earlier detection
people are becoming increasingly aware, invested and educated
fires can be mitigated against by removing fuel sources through controlled burning, creating fuel breaks with walkways, drive ways etc, building away from trees and other fuel sources, having evacuation plans.
However things like droughts and climate change are harder to do anything about.
people can also be educated on how to prevent fires from starting and what to do if a fire does occur
climate change is a global issue which increases the risk of wildfires. In order to do something about it global governance is required as if just one country cut their pollution there would still be many other polluting the atmosphere. However so far global attempts to mitigate climate change have seen little effect meaning the risk of wildfires is still increasing