The word hardy is used to describe people that can cope with stressors and stop them from having a negative impact on their health and their lives.
The 3 traits Kobasa claimed hardy people have are: Commitment, Challege and Control.
Commitment - Hardy people are more likely to be involved in what they do and have direction.
Challenge - Hardy people see life as a challenge and not an obsticle and want to succeed.
Control - Hardy people see themselves as having control over their lives, if they don't have the skills required they will get them.
Hardy people are protected against the negative effects of stress because they:
Use coping strategies effectively
Use self care
Use social support
Kobasa found that hardy businessmen who were stressed did not suffer illness, whereas ones who werent were more likely to fall ill.
Bartone found that soldiers with higher hardiness levels were more able to cope with stress from combat and life events and were less likely to suffer from PTSD or depression.
Sandvik studied 21Norweigannavycadets, he took their blood duringandafter stressful excercise and found the ones with unbalanced characterisics of hardiness had a worse response to stress.
Madi claims that you need all 3 C's to have the buffering affect to stress.
Measuring hardiness relies on self reports and therefore suffer from social deireability.
There are many scales used to measure hardiness making results hard to compare.
Funk suggests the Dispositional Resiliance Scale as it measure all 3 elements equally.