B. Osmoregulation

Cards (38)

  • What is excretion
    filtration of the blood to remove urea
  • What is osmoregulation
    Maintaining the water potential of blood
  • Where do kidneys receive blood from
    Renal arteries
  • What is the cortex
    Outer layer of kidney
  • What is the medulla
    Region in the middle of the kidney organised into renal pyramids
  • What is the pelvis
    Region of kidney that drains the urine into the ureter
  • What is the bowman’s capsule
    Beginning of a nephron and it holds the glomerulus
  • What is a glomerulus
    Bundle of capillaries that sits inside bowman’s capsule
  • What are the proximal convoluted tubules
    Branches off the bowman’s capsule and extends to the loop of henle
  • What are the distal convoluted tubules
    Comes from the loop of Henle and connects to the collecting duct
  • Where is the loop of henle
  • What is the afferent arteriole
    Carries blood into the glomerulus
  • What is the efferent arteriole
    Carried blood out of glomerulus
  • Function of bowman’s capsule
  • Function of proximal tubules
    Selective reabsorption
  • What are podocytes
    Cells that line the bowman’s capsule. They have finger like processes with gaps between them
  • What are the gaps between podocytes called
    Filtration slits
  • What is the basement membrane
    A layer of mesh fibres that separates the capillary from the podocytes - acts as a filter
  • What can’t pass through the basement membrane
    Red blood cells , platelets and plasma proteins
  • Why is the afferent arteriole wider than the efferent
    Creates high hydrostatic pressure and forces out water and small molecules
  • how are the cells lining the proximal convoluted tubules adapted
    Microvilli and many mitochondria
  • How is glucose reabsorbed
    Co transport
  • What is the function of the loop of henle
    To create a concentration gradient of sodium ions and therefore a water potential gradient
  • What happens to conc of filtrate as it flows down the descending limb
    Conc increases as there is a loss of water
  • What happens to conc of tissue fluid deeper into medulla
    More concentrated
  • What happens to the concentration of filtrate as it moves up ascending limb
    Decreases as Na+ leaves by active transport
  • What happens first in the loop of henle
    Na+ ions are actively transported out of the ascending limb
  • When Na is transported out of ascending limb what happens
    The water potential of the medulla tissue is lowered so water moves out of descending limb via osmosis
  • Where does the water that leaves the loop of Henle go
  • Why is the loop of henle a counter current system
    Fluid flows in the opposite direction in the two limbs
  • Why might desert animals have a thicker medulla
    They will have a longer loop of henle. Which means more Na is pumped out so more water is absorbed
  • Where is ADH released
    Pituitary Gland
  • Where is ADH synthesised
  • What does adding ADH to blood do?
    Makes cells of collecting duct more permeable to water so more water leaves and is reabsorbed.
  • What affect does high ADH have on urine
    Low volume of highly concentrated wee
  • What affect does less ADH have on urine
    Collecting duct is less permeable to water so less is reabsorbed. Produces lots of urine
  • How does ADH increase permeability of the collecting duct
    Increases transcription of genes coding for aquaporins
  • What are aquaporins
    protein water channels