Experiment types

Cards (12)

  • A lab experiment takes place in a special environment where different variables can be carefully controlled for.
  • Strengths of a lab experiment is that there is a high degree of control and replication.
  • limitations of lab experiments is there may be experimenter bias, and there is low ecological validity.
  • A field experiment takes place in a natural environment but variables are still manipulated by the researcher.
  • Strengths of a field experiment is it is naturalistic with a high ecological validity and less likely for demand characteristics.
  • limitations of a field experiment is there are ethical considerations and lack of control.
  • In a quasi experiment, the IV is not determined by the researcher but exists within a person.
  • Strengths of quasi experiment s conditions are controlled.
  • Limitations of a quasi experiment is there can not be random allocation, so participant variables can occur.
  • In a natural experiment, the IV is not brought about by the researcher and would have occurred even if the researcher had not been there.
  • Strengths of a natural experiment is that it avoids ethical issues as nothing is manipulated. There is high external validity.
  • Limitations of a natural experiment is that it may not be replicable as they are hard to generalise findings and difficult to randomise