health and social care

Cards (239)

  • examples of inherited characteristics 

    hight, skin colour, eye colour, hair type/colour
  • cause of cystic fibrosis
    The condition may be passed on when both parents have a faulty gene.
  • effects of cystic fibrosis
    breathing problems, increased chances of lung infection, loss of appetite
  • cause of sickle cell disease
    may be passed on when both parents have the sickle cell gene.
  • effects of sickle cell disease
    painful blockages in blood vessels, organ damage
  • physical effects of inherited disorders
    body systems, growth and mobility
  • intellectual effects of inherited disorders
    learning, thinking, problem solving and decision making
  • emotional effects of inherited disorders

    how people feel about themseleves
  • social effects of inherited disorders
    the ability to build relationships
  • cause of coronary heart disease
    a build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries around the heart
  • how do strokes happen?

    when the blood supply to the brain is cut off temporarily. This can cause muscle weakness or paralysis in one side of the body or even death.
  • what can coronary heart disease result in?
    heart attacks caused by blockage in blood flow
  • type 2 diabetes 

    the condition occurs when the pancreas is not working properly and cannot make enough insulin. This causes the blood sugar levels to rise.
  • what are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes?
    tiredness, urinating more regularly and excessive thirst
  • individuals are more likely to experience type 2 diabetes if they are:
    • overweight or obese
  • how is obesity often caused?

    when the body stores excess energy as body fat because a person. eats more calories then the body needs and does not take exercise to burn off body fat
  • effects of mental ill health
    stress, anxiety, panic, feeling of loss, anger, loneliness, depression
  • physical effects of mental ill health on health and wellbeing 

    increased heartbeat, muscle tension, high blood pressure, heart disease, digestive problems, headaches and poor sleep patterns.
  • intellectual effects of mental ill health on health and wellbeing
    poor concentration and forgetfulness
  • emotional effects of mental ill health on health and wellbeing 

    difficulty controlling emotions, feeling insecure, negative self- concept and feeling anxious and frightened
  • social effects of mental ill health on health and wellbeing
    isolation and breakdown of relationships and friendships
  • causes of visual impairment 

    inherited conditions, illness related e.g. diabetes, injury or age related conditions
  • types of visual impairment
    partially sighted and blindness
  • possible effect of sight loss 

    restrictions in movement, loss of self esteem, loss of independence in daily living activities, increased risks of accidents and injury, isolation and restricted social activities.
  • types of hearing impairment or loss
    hearing impairment or hearing loss
  • causes of hearing loss or impairment 

    inherited conditions, injuries, infection, noise induced
  • possible effects of hearing loss
    speech and communication difficulty, loss of self-esteem, isolation/loneliness, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, difficulty building friendships.
  • Loss of taste and smell can be caused by…
    • virus or infection
    • allergies
    • smoking
    • Drugs
    • Aging
  • Possible effects of loss of taste and smell
    Reduced appetite leading to poor nutrition, anxiety, and depression, risk of dangerous such as gas or fire, risk of eating unsafe food
  • Negative effect of nutrition deficiency
    Anaemia, poor growth, bone diseases, depression, tiredness, excessive weight loss
  • Negative effects on excess nutrients
    More prone to illness such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and strokes. Have reduced life expectancy, be less able to undertake a physical activity or a poor self-concept
  • Vitamins
    Healthy immune system and skin and eyes
  • Carbohydrates
    Boost energy levels
  • Protein
    Growth and repair of tissues
  • Minerals
    Healthy teeth, blood, skin and hair
  • Fats
    Energy, healthy self structure, help vitamin absorption
  • Fruit and veg

    Vitamins and minerals
  • Starchy foods
    Carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins
  • Meat, fish, eggs, and pulses
    Protein, fats, iron
  • Dairy products
    Protein, fats, vitamins, calcium