Glucose + Oxygen > Energy + Carbon dioxide +Water !
The high energy molecule produced during respiration is called ATP.
A large amount of energy is stored In the bonds holding ATP together.
ADP is made from 2 molecules.
Breaking down ATP into ADP and Pi releases energy.
Synthesising ATP and Pi into ATP requires energy.
There are two forms of respiration
-Aerobic Respiration (Oxygen is required)
-Anaerobic Respiration (Oxygen is NOT required)
Aerobic respiration, which requires oxygen, takes place in the mitochondria. Aerobic respiration produces many ATP.
Anaerobic Respiration, which does NOT require oxygen, takes place in the cytoplasm. Anaerobic respiration produces 2 molecules of ATP.
The first stage of respiration (in both forms) is called glycolysis.
Stage 1: Glycolysis (Takes part in the cytoplasm)
Glucose > Pyruvate
This creates 2 molecules of ATP.
Stage 2: Aerobic Respiration (Takes place in the mitochondria)
Pyruvate > Carbon dioxide + Water
Produces 36 molecules of ATP.
If oxygen is not available, a form of respiration known as fermentation takes place.
Fermentation in animals: (GPL)
Glycolysis > Pyruvate > Lactic Acid
Produces 2 molecules of ATP
Fermentation in plants and yeast:
Glucose > Pyruvate > Ethan + Carbon Dioxide
Produces 2 molecules of ATP
The energy transferred by ATP can be used for cellular activities such as, muscle cell contraction, cell division, protein synthesis and transmission of nerve impulses.
Respiration begins in the cytoplasm. The process of fermentation is completed in the cytoplasm whereas aerobic respiration is completed in the mitochondria.