political self

Cards (21)

  • Political Self - One’s political self is his identity being a member of a community or country where he belongs. It must be taking pride of his belongings.
  • St. Thomas and Aristotle - both agreed to this political nature of human, that the state is natural institution founded like a man.
  • Society - serves as a person’s “sanctuary” for the fulfillment of his political needs.
  • political self - it is a necessary consequence of his social existence.
  • According to St. Thomas Aquinas Political Life must adhere to the idea that “the ruler and the ruled” should be able to uphold the common good.
  • Political System - serve some basic survival need, in this case the need for internal order and defense external enemies.
  • political organization - of a complex society is called the nation state.
  • Democracy is a government of the people, for the people and by the people. - Abhraman Lincoln
  • democracy - it implies majority rule, minority and individuals have equality of opportunities under the law, civil rights and liberties.
  • democracy - it come from the Greek word which means “demos for people’s rule.”
  • citizen - is one who is a member of a state who was accorded with full civil and political rights subject to disqualifications provided by law
  • Citizenship - is a term signifying membership of a citizen in a political community.
  • To be a Filipino citizen, a person must belong to any classes of citizen enumerated under "section 1, Article IV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution"
  • jus sanguinis - this means newly born child follows the citizenship of his parents.
  • “Jus Soli” or “Jus Loci” principle - a newly born child follows the citizenship of the state where he was born irrespective of the citizenship of his parents.
  • Natural born Filipino citizen - generally is one who was born with one of his parent or both is a Filipino citizenship of his parents.
  • Natural born Filipino citizen - particularly is one who does not have to perform any act to acquire his Philippine citizenship.
  • Naturalized Filipino citizen - is one who underwent the naturalization process under the law of the Philippines.
  • Naturalization - is the act of formally adapting a foreigner into the political community of a state and giving him the rights and privileges of citizenship.
  • Dual Citizenship - pertains to the possession of two citizenship by an individual, that of his original citizenship and that of the country where he becomes a naturalized citizen.
  • Dual Allegiance - refers to the continued allegiance of a naturalized citizen to his mother country even after acquiring Filipino citizenship.