Cards (35)

  • Teach all groups together
  • Teach one grade while others work independently
  • Teach one subject to all grades and at varying levels of difficulty
  • Develop activities for non-taught groups
  • Develop peer, cross-age and cross-grade teaching strategies
  • Relate learning with daily experience
  • Differentiated instruction is the process of tailoring lessons to meet each student's individual interests, needs, and strengths.
  • Peer tutoring is a strategy in which students support other students in the learning process
  • Activity centers are organized so that each addresses a unique concept, skill, sensory experience, and/or subject area.
  • In cooperative learning, students work together in small groups on a structured activity. They are individually accountable for their work, and the work of the group as a whole is also assessed. Cooperative groups work face-to-face and learn to work as a team.
  • A project work is a planned and definitely formulated piece of study involving a task or problem taken up by the learner, either individually or in a group, to supplement and apply classroom and laboratory transactions. It follows the approach of Learning by Doing and Learning by Living
  • Role-playing is an opportunity for students to engage with material in simulated real-world environments. It forces students to apply their knowledge, reflect on key issues, and consider alternate view-points.
  • As Field/Action Researcher
    • If parents think what the school teaches is irrelevant to their lives, there will be no motivation for sending students to schools
    • There would be greater advantages in involving the students in the economic activity of their parents
    • To meet adequately the needs of the students and the community, the teacher has to know the needs of the community
    • A teacher in a multi-grade class needs to undertake studies on methods and techniques, which improve participation and learning achievement
  • As Teacher/Learning Facilitator
    • The main function is the development of students into persons who have some knowledge, skills, and share desirable values and attitudes
    • The teacher should know his/her students, and their experiences, so that he/she can use strategies which will make learning appealing and effective
    • The teacher should also be able to recognize, and cater for, the individual differences which exist among the students
  • As Community Liaison/Resource Person
    • Most teachers, because of their training, position and responsibility, assume an important position in the local community
    • The nature of many situations, where a multi-grade school exists, is such that the cooperation and assistance of the local community is needed, to improve the quality of the educational services provided by the multi-grade schools
  • As Social Worker/Counsellor
    • The multi-grade teacher is often the most well-educated person in the community (in a formal as distinct from a non-formal sense)
    • He/she plays an important role as an adviser to students and their families, in a wide range of social, and possibly psychological, matters
  • As Evaluator
    • One of the roles is to monitor the process of the pupil's learning, so as to ensure a good quality of education
    • This requires teachers to determine the educational levels of pupils when they first enter the class, during the school year, and at the end of it
  • As Material Designer
    • Although various curriculum materials are usually prepared by central and/or provincial authorities of education, multi-grade teachers still need to develop their own support materials related to the pupil's environment
  • As Para-Professional Trainer
    • Learning is a continuous process, and it happens both at home and at school
    • The teacher has a critical role in the training of parents, and other local community members, to act as facilitators for student's learning
  • As Government Extension Worker
    • Many multi-grade classes are situated in isolated and remote regions, and the schools often form centers in such communities
    • Many government policies, concerning family planning and health care, can be put into practice better with the help of teachers
  • As Quality Controller
    • A major national concern has been to provide education for as many people as possible
    • The attainment of this objective has been difficult for many countries
    • The teacher in a multi-grade class needs to monitor closely the performance of his/her pupils, and take steps to ensure that they achieve the competence needed for permanent literacy and numeracy
  • As Surrogate Parent
    • In remote and isolated communities, particularly where the teacher speaks the local language, and is well accepted by the local community, the multi-grade teacher often forms a closer relationship with his or her pupils than is found in city schools, and age-grade schools
    • The atmosphere in a multi-grade classroom is more like that of a home, since pupils are not separated by age or grade levels
    • In this context, the multi-grade teacher is often seen as a surrogate parent to the students
  • As Financial Manager
    • The multi-grade teacher is a manager of the finances of the school in situations where a financial allocation is made to the school
  • As Representative of Cultural, Moral and Political Values
    • The multi-grade teacher plays an important role in the life of the community in terms of cultural, moral and political values
    • He/she can utilize the positive values of the community to enhance the participation of the community in the life of the school, and the learning achievement of the pupils
    • The multi-grade teacher needs to avoid conflicts with the community
  • Themes to select from for multigrade classroom
    • Literature
    • Science
    • History
    • Mathematics
    • Art
    • Language
    • Social studies
  • Developing a flexible timetable
    1. For all the grades throughout the session
    2. On the selected theme
  • Developing daily lesson plans
    1. For each unit related to the theme
    2. With the help of textbooks and reference material
    3. As per the curriculum
  • Selecting activities
    1. Linked to the curriculum
    2. To be conducted in the class
  • Developing relevant worksheets
    For guided or independent practice
  • Relating concepts from the curriculum

    To examples from students' daily lives
  • Preparing quizzes
    To assess students' mastery of the curriculum content
  • Nurturing talent in the school
    1. By organizing related co-curricular activities
    2. Such as music, creative arts, games, and physical education
  • Activities before the lesson include developing the lesson plan itself, deciding on the teaching and presentation method, selecting the text, preparing the materials/worksheets to be used during the lesson, and assigning tasks, if any, to peer tutors
  • During the lesson you will need to present the material to all students and supervise group work and/or monitor ‘independent practice’ for every student in class.
  • After the lesson, you may want to evaluate the lesson plan and think of a remedial teaching strategy for slow learners. Reflecting on how what worked and what didn‛t go so well will help you improve future lessons