RE unit 13

Cards (49)

  • Why do Christians believe that humans are worthy of dignity
    - Humans are created in the image of God --> we share in the qualities of God giving humans a sense of dignity
  • Explain three Christian beliefs about equality
    - Jesus died for all people + we are all created in the image of God, so there should be no division between people as God loves all
    - Christians should put the needs of others on the same level as their own needs
    - Christians should not be selfish but strive for equality
  • Give a quote about human creation
    "God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them" (Genesis)
  • Give a quote about equality

    "There is no longer Greek and Jew...but Christ is all and in all" (Bible)
  • Give a quote about loving others
    "You shall love your neighbour as yourself" (Bible)
  • Give a quote about Christians being called to do good
    "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Bible)
  • What is freedom of religion/belief
    - Recognising every person's right to have a different set of beliefs
    - The rights of individuals should be recognised and respected
    - However freedom of religion should not give people the right to try and force others to accept a religion
  • Give a quote for freedom of religion/belief

    - "Believers and non believers can work together to promote a society where injustice can be overcame" (Pope Francis)
  • What did Pope John XXIII say about human rights
    "Each individual man is truly a person...As such he has rights and duties"
  • Give 6 teachings from Gaudium et Spes about human rights
    - the rights and duties of people throughout the world need to be considered
    - Careful thought must be given to the needs and ambitions of every group of people including the wellbeing of people
    - Every person deserves dignity
    - Every person must receive the necessities of life such as food and shelter
    - Human rights should be respected and protected
    - Society must be built on truth and justice and motivated by love
  • What does the Catholic Church teach about those who do not receive human rights
    - They are treated as less than human
    - They lose their human dignity
  • What does the parable of the sheep and the goats teach about human rights

    - Whoever helps someone who does not have human rights is helping Jesus
    - "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" (Bible)
  • Give 3 Christian beliefs about duties to do with rights

    - If people want rights they must respect other's need for the same rights
    - There is a need to ensure people have access to human rights
    - Vulnerable people are often deprived of rights
  • Give three Christian beliefs about duties to do with responsibilities
    - Sometimes limits what a person is allowed to do - e.g. the right to free speech is used irresponsibly if it encourages violence
    - (Example) a right to education needs people willing to provide education and students willing to learn
    - Christians should show solidarity with the weak and vulnerable by demanding that they receive their just rights
  • What does the Justice and Peace Commission do

    - Works to ensure people's human rights are respected
    - Raises awareness and takes practical action such as providing food and shelter
  • What does Caritas International do

    - Raises awareness of situations like human trafficking and takes action to stop this abuse
    - Puts pressure on the UN to improve access to human rights worldwide
  • What does the Bible teach about responsibilities of wealth (4)

    - Wealth is a gift from God which needs to be used wisely
    - Wealth should be used to help others
    - Wealth can distort people's values and perspectives
    - Wealth is not the problem but people's use of wealth and attachment to it is
  • Give 2 quotes about responsibilities of wealth
    - "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil" (Bible)
    - "How does God's love abide in anyone who has the world's goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help" (Bible)
  • What does the Church teach about responsibilities of wealth (3)
    - Strongly spoken out about unequal wealth
    - Poor people are deprived of their dignity by those who are greedy for wealth
    - Christians are not expected to make themselves poor, but should share what they are able to afford with the needy
  • Give a quote about responsibilities of wealth
    "They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share" (Bible)
  • How are Catholics taught to use their wealth
    use wealth positively to provide for needy times (e.g. Joseph storing spare grain during surplus years to provide for the nation during a famine the following year - Bible)
  • What does the CCC teach about motivation for wealth
    - it should not be motivated by greed, but to provide for the family and (where possible) the wider community
    - "Everyone should be able to draw from work the means of providing for his life and that of his family" (CCC)
  • What does the Bakhita Foundation do

    Gives practical and emotional support to those caught up in human trafficking and works with international agencies to enforce laws to prevent it from happening
  • Give a quote from Jesus' teaching about greed
    "Be on your guard against all kinds of greed" (Bible)
  • Why is greed bad (5)
    - It is a desire for more
    - Goes against the teaching "love thy neighbour"
    - Makes people put their own needs first
    - Destroys a person's relationship with God
    - Makes people ignore spiritual things
  • What did Pope Francis say about greed
    "Whenever material things...become the centre of our lives =, they take hold of us"
  • What did the Catholic Church teach about greed (4)

    - Encourages judging people on what they have - makes people little more than objects
    - Can make a person seem falsely important because they have possessions
    - Leads to shallowness of life
    - Destroys the appreciation of the beauty of creation
  • Give three reasons why people support taking a vow of poverty
    - Some Christians and non believers think that living simply will help solve the imbalance of wealth in the world
    - They believe that simplicity in life leads to happiness as it removes stress and the mentality of having to match other people's wealth
    - "If you wish to be perfect...sell your possessions and you will have treasure in heaven" (Bible)
  • Give two reasons why people don't support taking the vow of poverty
    - The call to live a life of poverty can only apply to those with limited family responsibilities
    - Having worked for their money they believe that they should enjoy their wealth and possessions
  • What is the preferential option for the poor
    The Church teaches that the poor deserve preferential treatment because they have suffered from not having basic necessities for life
  • What does Pope Francis teach about the preferential option for the poor
    - "God shows the poor 'his first mercy'"
    - Caring for the poor is a demand on Christians
    - Christians should put the needs of others first, especially those in the most need as Jesus offered his life for all people
    - The Catholic Church must focus on the needs of the poor
    - Poor people can teach the rich because they share in Jesus' suffering
    - Christians who are rich need to see Jesus in the poor, to help them
  • What is the Body of Christ
    Catholics believe they are part of the Body of Christ - if one part is suffering they should provide support
  • Give a quote about the duty to take action on poverty
    "Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead" (Bible)
  • What can directly helping the poor involve
    - Giving money to charities/directly to the poor
    - Showing compassion and kindness by direct help
    - Supporting the works of groups such as the Salvation Army
  • What actions does CAFOD take (3)

    - Provides aid to help deal with immediate difficulties
    - Supports fairtrade
    - Helps children get educated
  • What actions does Christian Aid take (3)

    - Helps to overcome poverty regardless of faith
    - Helps refugees restart their lives
    - Responds quickly to natural disasters like floods
  • What does the CCC teach about prejudice and discrimination
    - God creates everyone in his image and is present in each person regardless of gender, nationality etc
    - All people are saved by the death and resurrection of Jesus so there are no grounds for prejudice and discrimination as everyone has the same dignity
    - "All therefore enjoy an equal dignity"
  • What do Catholics think regarding racial prejudice and discrimination
    Everyone should be respected as they are children of God and are loved and valued by God as he brought them into existence
  • What can racial prejudice and discrimination cause (3)
    - Negative actions, tensions and harm
    - People not being treated as full human beings
    - Stops people from reaching their full potential
  • Give four positive beliefs about racial discrimination in the UK today

    - Britain has a history of different races working together and getting married without worrying about race (widely accepted)
    - Different races and cultures have greatly contributed to the genetic makeup and culture of Britain
    - Multicultural society with a wide range of social groups making a large contribution to society
    - Racial prejudice is often based on lack of knowledge and understanding