Never created or destroyed, only transferred between different forms and objects
Energy Store
Thermal energy
Kinetic energy
Gravitationalpotential energy
Elastic potential energy
Chemical energy
Magnetic energy
Electrostatic energy
Nuclear energy
Energy transfer
1. Mechanical
2. Electrical
3. Heating
4. Radiation (light or sound waves)
Collection of matter
Can exchange energy with the outside world
Separate from the outside world, no exchange of matter or energy. The overall charge is always zero.
Explain how energy is transferred when a kettle boils water
Electrical energy from plug socket flows to heating element of kettle, transferred to thermal energy of water
Energy transferred
Mechanical work done example
Kicking a ball, energy from chemicalenergy store of leg transferred to kineticenergy of ball
Electrical work done example
Energy required to overcome resistance in wires of a circuit
Energy transfer example 2
Friction from train brakes slows the train, transfers energy from kinetic energy store of wheels to thermal energy of surroundings
Energy Stores
When energy is transferred to an object...
The energy is stored in one of the object's energy stores
A single object or a group of objects that you're interested in
A system where neither matter nor energy can enter or leave
The netchange in the total energy of a closed system is always zero
Energy transfer by heating
Energy is transferred to the water's thermal energy store (causing the temperature of the water to rise)
Energy transfer by doing work (work done)
1. Work done is just another way of saying energy transferred
2. Work can be done when current flows or by a force moving an object
Energy transfers
Initial force exerted by a person to throw a ball upwards transfers energy from the chemicalenergystore of the person's arm to the kineticenergy store of the ball and arm
Gravitational force on a dropped ball transfers energy from the ball's gravitationalpotential energy store to its kinetic energy store
Friction between a car's brakes and its wheels transfers energy from the wheels' kinetic energy stores to the thermal energy store of the surroundings
Normal contact force in a car collision transfers energy from the car's kinetic energy store to other energy stores, e.g. the elastic potential and thermal energy stores of the object and the car body
Energy is transferred by heating, by waves, by an electricalcurrent, or a force when it moves some object
Energy is measured in joules (J)
Where object falls and gains speed, its store of gravitational potential energy decreases and its kinetic energy store increases
When a object hits the ground without bouncing back, its kinetic store decreases. Some or all of its energy transferred to the surroundings – the thermal energy store of the surroundings increases and energy is also transferred by sound wave.
State the law of conservation on energy
Energy is nevercreated or destroyed. It's only ever transferred between different forms and objects (stores of energy).
State the different ways in which energy can be transferred between stores.