frog dissection

Cards (46)

  • the dorsal is the top and backside
  • the ventral is the bottom and stomach side
  • anterior means front
  • posterior means back
  • vestigial structures are structures that are no longer in use
  • camouflage is the adaption of animals to blend in with their surrounding environment to hide from prey
  • frogs only have brown splotches for camoflauge on their dorsal side because most predators see them from above
  • the frogs forelegs are the front legs
  • frogs have webbed feet to swim fast and more efficently
  • the cloaca is the external posterior opening that is used for the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems
  • a frog's cloaca is much like a human's anus
  • the tympanum is a membrane that vibrates in response to sound waves for hearing and protection
  • the tympanum in frogs are similar to the eardrums of human's
  • nictitating membrane is the semi-transparent membrane that covers and protects the eye especially underwater
  • the nictitating membrane's function for the frog is similar to what goggles do
  • the external nares for frogs are like nostrils for humans
  • the external nares are anterior opening that allow air to come in the frog's internal system
  • the end of the frog's tongue has sticky mucus on the tip to be able to catch prey
  • a frog's tongue is attached to the front of the mouth so it can whip it out and catch its prey at extremely high speeds
  • internal nares connect to external nares
  • unlike how human's air goes through the pharynx to get to the throat, frog's have internal nares that connect directly to the mouth
  • maxillary teeth are only used to hold onto to prey
  • vomerine teeth are used to crush the food with the tongue but now are vestigial structures
  • a frog's eye sockets help with swallowing by being able to retract into the mouth to push the food down to the esophagus
  • the gullet is the opening to the esophagus that is similar to the pharynx but much smaller
  • the glottis is a flap the opens to the respiratory system and closes when food passes by
  • the eustachian tube's main job is to equalize pressure
  • a frog's liver has the same function as humans
  • the gallbladder has the same structure and function as a human's
  • the heart has the same function as human's but only has 3 chambers
  • the 3 chambers of a frog's heart are the right atrium, the left atrium, and one ventricle
  • a frog's lung have the same function except they receive oxygen from the nares and the glottis
  • frogs can also absorb oxygen through their capillaries when they are underwater
  • the esophagus moves food down to the stomach from the gullet
  • the stomach has the same structure and function as a human's
  • the small intestine has the same structure and function as a human's
  • the large intestine has the same structure and function as a human's
  • Rugae are small ridges found inside the stomach to increase surface area
  • fat bodies are small finger-like projections that are used for fat storage during hibernation
  • the spleen has the same structure and function as a human's