"Imaginary line from pubic symphysis to sacral prominence (top of sacrum)" - what's the term?
Linea terminalis
"... is deep and below the linea terminalis (at the bottom/INF). Imagine all the structures that can be seen or is in range of TV imaging. BL, small bowel, ascending and descending colon, rectum, UT, OV.s, F.T, internal iliacs, and 5 muscles."
True pelvis
The 5 true pelvic muscles:
levator ani, coccygeus, obturator internus, piriformis, iliopsoas
Pelvic diaphragm: levator ani and coccygeus
Hammock shaped muscles that give support to pelvic organs
(Weakening of these muscles leads to UT prolapse)
Location: Identified scanning TRV inferiorly at level of vagina. POST to BL, vagina, and rectum
Adnexa: "O.P.I" muscles
Obturator internus (LAT to BL), piriformis (posterolateral), iliopsoas (anterolateral)
Location: When scanning adnexa in TRV, appear as ovoid hypoechoic structures that elongate in SAG. Adjacent or LAT to BL/OV.s/UT
Uterineligaments are broad ligaments, round ligaments, and cardinal ligaments
Broadligaments is a double fold of peritoneum. From LAT sides of UT to walls of pelvis supporting pelvic organs. Only ligament ever visualized on sono, only when there is pelvic ascites
Round ligaments is between folds of broad ligament. Support fundus of UT (superiorly)
Cardinal ligaments contains vasculature of UT
Retropubic space AKA space of Retzius ANT to BL
ANT CDS AKA vesicouterine pouch. Between BL and UT (ANT to UT)
POST CDS AKA rectouterine pouch/pouch of Douglas. Between UT and rectum (POST to UT)
Uterine arteries: branches of internal iliac artery (AKA hypogastric artery)
Arcuate arteries: periphery of myometrium
Radial arteries: deeper into myometrium
Straight and Spiral arteries: layers of ENDO (Straight feeds basal layer and spiral to functional)