HES 332 Final

Cards (46)

  • What's the APEASE criteria
  • What's the Com B model?
    - Capability (ability to enact behavior ie. physical and psychological)
    - Motivation (Mechanisms activate or inhibit behavior ie. Automatic and reflective)
    - Opportunity (environments that enable behavior ie. social and physical)
    These all feed into behavior and come back from behavior
    COM are all sources of influence
  • What are the first 5 intervention functions
    - Education: Providing information and improving knowledge or skills.
    - Training: Enhancing skills through hands-on learning experiences.
    - Enablement: Creating an environment that supports the development of capabilities.
    - Environmental Restructuring: Changing the physical or social environment to make desired behaviors more or less likely.
    - Restriction: Using rules or regulations to limit or control behavior.
  • What are the last 5 intervention functions
    - Modelling: Demonstrating the desired behavior through role models.
    - Persuasion: Using communication to change attitudes or beliefs.
    - Incentivization: Providing rewards or incentives to encourage behavior.
    - Coercion: Using pressure or enforcement to change behavior.
    - Training: Improving motivation by building self-confidence and self-esteem.
    These are our "How we can potentially change that behavior"
  • Transtheoretical model (what's on the bottom
    - Pre contemplation (not thinking or changing behavior)
    - Contemplation (Acknowledge that there is a change to be made)
    - Preparation (they understand that they're gonna change their behavior)
    - Action (Actively changing behavior)
  • Trans model what are the processes of change between the stages?
    - Pre to con: consciousness raising or dramatic relief
    - Con to prep: self reevaluation
    - Prep to action: self liberation
    - Action to main: help relationship, stim control
  • Trans model (what's descional balance and where is it?)
    - Decisional balance is evaluation of pros and cons of changing target behavior
    - Cons outweigh pros by pre and pros outweigh cons by maintenance
  • Trans model (what's self efficacy and where is it)
    - Self efficacy is persons belief about their ability to carry out target behavior
    - High temptation levels by pre and high self efficacy by maintenance
  • Draw the trans model
  • Theory of planned behaviour (what are intentions)

    Intentions are precursors to behavior, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control
  • Theory of planned behaviour, step 1, what's attitude
    Attitude: attitude towards trying to perform target
    behavior and the belief of it having favorable or unfavorable outcomes (If i quit smoking I'll be healthy)
  • Theory of planned behavior, step 1, what's subjective norm
    Subjective norm: perception of whether important others believe they should perform target and persons motivation to comply (my partner doesn't want me to smoke)
  • Theory of planned behaviour,step 1, what's perceived behaviour control?
    Perceived behavioral control: extent to which person feels able to perform target (I believe i can quit smoking)
  • Theory of planned behavior, how do they layout

    - they all feed into intention which goes to behavior
    - There can be a direct route from PBC to behavior while not going through intention
  • Draw the theory of planned behaviour
  • Self efficacy theory...

    What are the 4 sources determining self efficacy
    - Performance accomplishment:prior experience of mastery or success of TB
    - Vicarious experience:Observation of other success performing TB
    - Verbal persuasion:encouragement from others increasing ones belief of capability to do TB
    - Emotional arousal:state of alertness or anxiety to perform TB
    This list goes from strongest to least strongest determining of SE
  • Self efficacy theory...
    What does it then go into after self efficacy4 sources ----> self efficacy -----> behavior
  • Self efficacy theory... whats good and bad cog appraisal

    Cog appraisal refers to individuals attribution of success or failure of TB (strong cog "I have control over my performance")
  • Draw the self efficacy theory
  • Health belief model..
    Whats the first stepcore variables are influenced by...
    - Demographic variables:age, gender, ethnicity
    - Sociocultural variables:personality, peer pressure
    - Structural variables:knowledge on disease, past experiences
  • Health belief model...
    Whats the second step
    -Perceived susceptibility:extent which a person believes they are at risk of contracting disease
    -Perceived severity:Persons perception of seriousness of disease
    -Perceived benefits:Belief of relative effectiveness of known options reducing health threat
    -Perceived barriers:Beliefs about negative aspects of taking protective health actionAll feed into behavior
  • Health belief model..
    What feeds into behavior in the third step- Cue to action goes straight to behavior and triggers person to do said behavior change like a media campaign
    - Self efficacy also is direct correlation to behavior with likelihood if taking action
  • Draw the health belief model
  • Self determination theory.. Whats the first step

    3 main aspects-Amotivation:lack of intention to engage in or sustain TB- Extrinsic motivation:engaging in behavior cause of external factors like feeling like you have too- Intrinsic motivation:engaging in behavior for personal growth and enjoyment
  • Self determination theory.. what does Amotivation feed into?
    Non regulation:does not engage in behavior
  • Self determination theory.... what does extrinsic motivation feed into?
    - External regulation: engage in behavior for incentives (money or rewards)
    - Introjected regulation: engage in behavior to avoid feelings of shame or guilt
    -Identified regulation: engage in behavior because outcome is important (grades)
    -Integrated regulation: engage in behavior because behavior is important (help with no reward)
  • Self determination theory... what does intrinsic motivation feed into?
    Intrinsic regulation:engage in behavior for pleasure
  • self detrmination theory... what feeds into regulation
    - Impersonal orientation:focuses on lack of personal control, feels incapable of controlling external forces- Control orientation:Orient engagement in behavior for rewards. Regulates behavior to different stimuli- Autonomy orientation:engagement in behavior based on what interests them
  • self determination theory... what are the 3 psychological needs for regulation
    - Autonomy:feeling of having choice of decision to engage in behavior- Competence:feeling of mastery of skill or behavior- Relatedness:feeling of bonding with others and being supported while doing behavior
  • Draw the self determination theory
  • Health action process approach... first step, whats the motivational phase
    Everything leads into intention (3 parts)Action self efficacy:Persons belief in their ability to adopt behaviorSocial outcome expectancy:perception of social pressure, social supportGeneral outcome expectancy:expectation of outcomes like optimismPerceived severity:perception of seriousness of relevant illnessPerceived vulnerability:belief of how much they are vulnerable to relevant illness
  • Health action process approach . second step, whats the transitional phase
    - Once intention is found, it is translated into an action plan- Formation of action plan is influenced by persons maintenance self efficacy and coping planning- Maintenance self efficacy:persons belief in ability to maintain new behavior and deal with barriers- Coping planning:anticipation of potential barriers and generation of behavioral options to overcome barriers
  • Health action process approach, 3 step, whats the volitional phase
    - action plan turns into initiation of actual behavior and then maintenance- Situation barriers can hinder performance and disengage behavior but a persons recovery self efficacy may counter set backs- Recovery self efficacy:persons belief in ability to be resilient to failure and resume behavior
  • Draw the Health action process approach
  • Protection motivation theory
    First stage- Environmental and interpersonal sources of info initiate cognitive appraisal of threat and whether or not to engage in protective behavior- Environmental sources:observations, verbal persuasion of TB- Intrapersonal sources:previous experience, knowledge of TB
  • Protection motivation theory,
    Whats the second stage on the threat appraisal side
    Intrinsic Rewards:pleasure gained from engaging in maladaptive action (pleasure from smoking)
    Extrinsic rewards:external benefits gained from engaging in maladaptive action (social connection in smoking)
    Threat severity:perceived cons from engaging in maladaptive action (lung cancer)
    Threat vulnerability:Perceived likelihood of being exposed to cons (what are the odds?)
  • Protection motivation theory,

    Whats the second stage on the coping appraisal side?
    Response efficacy:belief of effectiveness of performing adaptive action (smoking cessation improves health)
    Self efficacy:Belief about persons capability of performing adaptive action (i can stop)
    Response costs:cost of associated with performing adaptive action (its inconvenient and uncomfortable)
  • Protection motivation theory, whats the third stage
    These 2 cognitive appraisals determine individuals protection motivation
    High levels of protection motivation will then stimulate adaptive behavior
  • Draw the protection motivation theory
  • -Symbolizing capability:ability to place meaning onto symbols in environment facilitating learning
    - Forethought capability:ability to regulate behavior based on cognitive appraisal of future events (expected outcomes)
    - Vicarious capability:Ability to learn or model behavior through observation
    - Self regulatory capability:ability to identify discrepancies between actual behavior and personal standards (goal setting)
    - Self reflective capability:ability to analyze own experiences, thoughts and knowledge to adjust behavior. Biggest influence is self efficacy