Cards (75)

  • Basal metabolic rate (BMR)

    The energy requirement for a person at rest
  • Functional food
    Biologically active ingredients that have health benefits
  • Fortified food
    Have additional vitamins/minerals for added health benefits
  • Organic food
    Food without synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers
  • GMO (novel or genetically-modified)

    Insertion of genes into another organism, used to prevent disease and for desired quality
  • Carbohydrates
    Source of energy in diet
  • Proteins
    Required for building body tissue, maintenance and repair
  • Fats
    Calorically dense nutrient
  • Cholesterol
    Sterol that can be synthesized by the liver
  • Essential amino acid
    Body cannot synthesize
  • Non-essential amino acids

    Body can synthesize
  • Glycemic index

    Ranking system for carbohydrate rich foods and the effect on blood glucose levels
  • Nitrogen balance
    Achieved when intake and output of nitrogen are equal
  • Vitamins
    Organic substance essential to normal metabolism
  • Minerals
    Inorganic substance, act as catalyst
  • Aspiration
    Epiglottis flap covers trachea to prevent
  • Dysphagia
    Difficulty swallowing
  • Peristalsis
    Movement of contents through the intestines
  • Negative nitrogen balance
    When the body loses more nitrogen than gains
  • Pressure Injury (PI)

    Localized damage to skin, underlying soft tissue or both
  • Tissue ischemia
    Decreased blood supply to the tissues
  • Blanching
    Normal red tones of light skinned patients are absent
  • Friction and shear
    The force or 2 surfaces moving against. another, force of exerted parallel to the skin resulting from gravity and resistance
  • Erythema
    Red discolouration
  • Induration
    Increased firmness of tissue
  • Non-viable tissue

    The amount and appearance of tissue
  • Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD)
    Moisture associated skin irritation caused by longed exposure to urine or stool
  • Granulation tissue
    Red, moist tissue composed of new blood vessels; sign of healing
  • Slough
    Soft yellow or white tissue
  • Eschar
    Brown or black tissue
  • Exudate
    Describes the amount, colour, consistency and odor of would drainage
  • Primary intention
    Skin edges are close and has low risk of infection ie. Surgical wounds
  • Secondary intention

    Loss of tissue, becomes filled with scar tissue to heal ie. burn
  • Hemostasis
    Injured blood vessels constrict and platelets gather to stop bleeding
  • GI structures responsible for digestion
    Describe the GI structures and their function in digestion, and how this changes with ageing
  • Certain health conditions
    Impact the function and structure of the digestive system
  • Nutrition and digestive system
    Impact certain conditions (e.g. osteoporosis, immobility, pressure injury and IAD)
  • Metabolic changes with immobility
    Older adults do not require as much energy as their metabolic rate decreases but their need for vitamins and minerals remains the same
  • Macronutrients
    • Carbohydrates
    • Proteins
    • Fats
  • Carbohydrates
    Energy source