Inherited change in properties of groups of organisms over generations, descent with modification
Framework of understanding biological diversity
Includes features and processes that are essential for human health and welfare
Killer X chromosome in Drosophila flies
Causes higher rate of female offspring
Inheritance of killer X chromosome
Gene on X chromosome - males only have 1 X, distorted X chromosome on female are more likely to get it
Hypotheses for why a killer X chromosome would evolve
Selfish gene
Why a gene on an X chromosome evolve to destroy sperm that carry a Y chromosome
Insure survival of the selfish gene
A killer X chromosome could evolve without benefitting the organism
Why an X chromosome evolve to be preferentially inherited, relative to other X chromosomes
Population genetics
Study of naturally occurring genetic differences among organisms
Study of genetics within species, variation within an allele
Study of genetics between species
Space between arches there to help hold them up, used as a metaphor for traits that are not directly selected for
Too much faith/concern with natural selection, metaphor from Voltaire's novel "Candice"
Regards natural selection as so powerful and without constraints that it becomes the primary cause of all organic forms, function and behaviour
To demonstrate that something is adaptive, and not just telling a 'Panglossian' just-so story, one needs to show that the phenotype causes a change in fitness
To determine the adaptive function of a trait, one needs to show that the phenotype causes a change in fitness
Microcephalin and ASPM
Genes involved in brain cell division and neural cells
Phenotype of broken microcephalin and ASPM genes
Improper proteins, leading to smaller brain size
There is genetic variation in microcephalin and ASPM in humans
The variation in microcephalin and ASPM shows geographic differences, likely due to genetic drift
A group of alleles in an organism that are inherited together from a single parent
There is no statistical difference in head size between individuals with common haplotypes of microcephalin and ASPM
The variants in microcephalin and ASPM do not appear to have a phenotypic effect
Natural selection is the consistent difference in fitness among different classes of biological entities
A characteristic that enhances the survival or reproduction of organisms that have it, relative to alternative character states
Referring to a newer, more beneficial version of a trait
The number of offspring an individual leaves in the next generation
To study/measure/infer/demonstrate adaptation, natural selection, and fitness, one observes traits of populations over time, looking for genetic, reproductive, and survival changes
Adaptations to high altitude found in Tibetans
Low chronic mountain sickness
Lower [hemoglobin]
Lower infant mortality and higher fertility
Lower incidence of preeclampsia
The evidence for adaptation in Tibetans is the presence of different alleles in the population causing changes in phenotype
Cynthia Beall and colleagues found an association between variation in the EPAS1 gene and adaptation to high altitude in Tibetans, with the EPAS1 variant being associated with lower levels of hemoglobin
EPAS1 gene
Codes for a transcription factor that regulates in response to low oxygen
A genome scan/Manhattan plot can be used to identify variation at certain positions on a chromosome that are statistically significantly associated with a phenotype
Emilia Huerta-Sánchez and colleagues concluded that the EPAS1 variant common in Tibetans originated from Denisovans
The evidence used by Huerta-Sánchez et al. was aligning nucleotides from Chinese and Tibetan samples with a Denisovan sample to find matching sequences
Denisovans were an unknown hominin species discovered through ancient DNA analysis
The transfer of genetic material from one species into the gene pool of another by the repeated backcrossing of an interspecific hybrid with one of its parent species
The interbreeding of individuals from two genetically distinct populations, or races, to produce an offspring
Svante Pääbo won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution
Most new mutations are deleterious, while most mutations that persist are beneficial