Sign of inadequate growth resulting from inability to obtain or use calories required for growth
Organic FFT
secondary to underlying medical illnesses
2. Non-organic FFT (NFTT)
psychosocial FFT, no known medical condition that causes poor growth, inadequate food or nutrition
3. Mixed FTT
organic and non organic causes coexist
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Unexpected death of any infant. Death usually occurs during sleep. Cause of death unexplained by post mortem examination. Most common cause of death in children ages 1 months to 1 yr.
SIDS Etiology:
Cause: Unknown
> hypoxemia
> apnea
> immature nervous system
> brain stem abnormality in neuroregulation of cardio-respiratory control
Risk factors:
prone and side sleeping, soft bedding, bed sharing, inappropriate bed surfaces, exposure to tobacco smoke, and prematurity
Protective factors:
breastfeeding, pacifier use, room sharing, and immunizations
Appearance when found:
> blue, apneic, and lifeless
> frothy blood tinged fluid in nose & mouth
> blanket over head, huddled in a corner w/ dishevel bed
> Mother: Horrified
Nursing Management:
> Evaluate family coping and grieving patterns
> Provide anticipatory guidance for typical feelings
> Allow the parents to verbalize; listen and validate feelings