Relies on the basis of protein solubility, most proteins are less soluble in solutions of high salt concentrations because the addition of salt ions shield proteins with multi-ion charges, allows for the separation of different proteins as they will precipitate at different points with increases in salt concentration
Separates complex mixtures of proteins, investigates subunit compositions, verifies homogeneity of protein samples, purifies proteins for use in further applications, uses polyacrylamide gel as a size-selective sieve during separation
Most are synthesized and secreted by the liver, generally synthesized on membrane-bound polyribosomes, most are glycoproteins, many exhibit polymorphism, each has a characteristic half-life in the circulation, levels of certain increase during acute inflammatory states or tissue damage
The major protein in plasma, accounting for 60% of total plasma protein, not a glycoprotein, no polymorphism, 66 kDa, consists of one polypeptide chain of 585 amino acids, highly polar, anionic at pH 7.4
Binds with the free plasma hemoglobin to form a Haptoglobin-Hemoglobin complex, allowing degradative enzymes in the liver to gain access back to the hemoglobin and preventing loss of iron through the kidneys and protecting the kidneys from damage by hemoglobin
Essential trace element that is a metal cofactor for a variety of enzymes and is involved in reactions involving dismutation, hydroxylation, and oxygenation
linked genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the ATP7A gene encoding a copper-binding P-type of ATPase, leading to copper deficiency and characteristic findings of kinky hair, growth failure, and nervous system deterioration
Genetic disease due to mutation in the ATP7B gene encoding a copper-binding P-type of ATPase, leading to copper accumulation in liver, brain, kidney and red blood cells (copper toxicosis)