Cards (7)

  • Classical Conditioning
    A process of learning where a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response
  • Ivan Pavlov
    • Developed classical conditioning through the use of dogs, food, and a bell
    • Proved that classical conditioning could be used to shift behaviour by making a neutral stimulus a conditioned one
  • The Experiment
    1. BEFORE CONDITIONING: Dog has an unconditioned response to the unconditioned stimulus (dog drools at sight of food)
    2. DURING CONDITIONING: Neutral stimulus of bell is paired with dog food, dog associates bell with food
    3. AFTER CONDITIONING: Bell becomes a conditioned response, dog drools at sound of bell
  • Unconditioned response
    Almost like natural instinct, a response to an unconditioned stimulus
  • Unconditioned stimulus
    Something that naturally triggers a response
  • Neutral stimulus
    A stimulus that the dog has no reaction to
  • Conditioned response
    A learned response to a previously neutral stimulus