
Cards (23)

  • Software - Series of instructions written in a programming language that performs a functions.
  • Operating system - Program that manages the computer, allows the user to communicate with the power and allows software to be run.
  • Application software - Software that allows the user to perform a useful task.
  • Example of Application software:
    Word processor
    Web browser
  • Bootstrap --> Firmware --> Operating system --> Application software
  • Firmware - Instructions that are stored in ROM and are loaded when computer starts.
  • Bootstrap - First commands loaded when a computer starts, checks hardware and loads firmware,
  • Interface - <Method by which a user communicates with a computer.
  • Types of interface:
    • Graphical User Interface
    • Command line interface
    • Natural language interface
  • Graphical User Interface - Type of operating system that includes windows, icons, menus and pointers.
  • Command line interface - Type of operating system where the user types commands
  • Natural language interface - Type of operating system that allows the user to type or speak commands.
  • Operating system manages:
    • Files
    • Peripherals and drivers
    • Memory
    • Multitasking
    • Interrupts
    • User accounts
  • Peripherals - Hardware device used to input, store or output data from computer. Not directly part of computer itself.
  • Interrupts handler - Program that organises interrupts into an order based upon priorities.
  • Interrupt service routine - Program that retrieves an interrupt and performs the required actions.
  • High-level language - Type of programming language that uses English-like commands.
  • Low-level language - Language closer to machine's language (assembly language, binary code)
  • Assembly language - Code written in memonics that allows direct manipulation of hardware. Must be converted to binary code to run.
  • Translator - Type of software that converts code from one language to another, usually high to low level language.
  • Interpreter - Translator that converts high level language into low level language. Checks one line of code then executes before checking the next.
  • Compiler - Translator that converts high level language to low level language. Checks all code before running program.
  • Executable file - File produced by compiler that can run independent of translator software and does not include source code.