Cards (16)

  • Spelling
    Consistently using one standard with regard to the spelling of words, with slight differences between American English and British English
  • Punctuation
    The act of using a system of symbols such as the comma, period, quotation marks, question marks, etc. that are used to give structure to and organize a text
  • Quotation marks
    Show that words have been directly quoted
  • Apostrophe
    Has two main functions: 1) Shows that a letter (or letters) has been omitted from a word in a contraction, 2) Used to make a noun possessive
  • Hyphen
    Has two main functions: 1) To form compound words, 2) After the prefix of a word
  • En dash
    Generally used to indicate a range of numbers or a period of time
  • Em dash
    Shows a big pause in a sentence or emphasizes the end of a sentence
  • Ellipsis
    A series of three dots that shows that something has been removed from a sentence, or a pause or unfinished sentence
  • Comma
    Joins two or more ideas in a sentence or separates items in a series
  • Colon
    Introduces the information that comes after it, telling the reader that something is coming
  • Semicolon
    Connects two complete sentences that are related
  • Exclamation mark
    Shows strong emphasis or strong emotion, rarely used in formal writing
  • Question mark
    Shows that a question is being asked, that the speaker or writer is seeking an answer to something
  • Period
    The most common punctuation mark, has two main functions: 1) Shows the end of a sentence, 2) Indicates an abbreviation (more common in American English)
  • Capitalization
    The act of writing the first letter of a word in uppercase while the rest of the letters are in lowercase, with rules to remember
  • Words requiring capitalization
    • Proper nouns
    • Proper adjectives
    • Days of the week
    • Months of the year
    • Specific course titles
    • Kinship names used in place of personal names
    • First and last word in a title
    • Historical periods, events, documents