Importance in Daily Life

Cards (4)

  • Fossil fuels
    • are formed from the remains of plants and animals buried in the ground
    • E.g. Crude oil and natural gas
    • Crude oil and natural gas are non-renewable sources of energy as they cannot be replenished at the same rate at which they are used
  • Crude Oil
    • Made up of different hydrocarbons
    • Hydrocarbons are compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen
    • also known as petroleum
    • 90% of fractions used as fuel for generating electricity in vehicles, homes and industries
    • Finite resource, limited supply
  • Natural Gas
    • contains mainly methane gas (CH4)
  • Crude Oil Fractionating Column
    From top to bottom
    • petroleum gas (fuel for heating and cooking)
    • petrol (fuel for vehicle)
    • naphtha (feedstock for making petrochemicals such as plastics and detergents)
    • kerosene (fuel for aircrafts, engines, cooking and heating)
    • diesel oil (fuel for diesel engines in buses, lorries and trains)
    • Lubricating oil (for lubricating machines and making waxes and polishes)
    • bitumen (for making road surfaces and roofing)