Types of Number

Cards (16)

  • Real Numbers represented by the symbol ℝ. (Includes all Rational and Irrational Numbers)
  • Counting / Neutral Numbers represented by N.
  • Whole Number represented by the symbol W.
  • Integers represented by the symbol Z.
  • Terminating Decimals means decimal that ends
  • Non-terminating Repeating Decimal means decimals that do not end but repeat a certain number endlessly.
  • Non-Terminating Non-Repeating Decimals means decimal that do not end and does not repeat a certain number rndlessly.
  • Rational Numbers represented by the symbol Q.
    • They can be represented as Fractions
  • Irrational Numbers represented by the symbol I / P
  • Complex Numbers represented by the symbol C.
    • is a combination of an imaginary and a real number.
  • Prime Number means positive integers (excluding 1) whose only factors are 1 and itself.
  • 2 As a prime number
    • the lowest prime number
    • the only even prime number
  • Composite Numbers means positive integers (excluding 1) that are not prime
    • they have more that 2 factors
  • 1 is neither prime nor composite.
  • Negative Integers can also be even or odd.
  • Negative Integers can also be a Factor of an Integer.