when bound to GTP, alpha subunit disassociates from other G coupled protein subunits and activates the signalling down stream
an inactive g protein coupled receptor associates with g proteins bound to GDP, when receptor is activated, the GDP is replaced with GTP
Two receptors are brought together (dimerise) when they bind the same dimerised signaling molecule. The close proximity of the two receptors activates kinase activity in the intracellular part of the receptors.
ion-channel-coupled receptors are embedded in cell membranes and change shape upon binding of a signalling molecule.
second messengers in signal transduction pathways
cAMP, calcium, IP3, DAG
primary requirement of signalling
can be turned on and off
metabolic enzymes
cause altered metabolism
gene regulatory proteins
SSTF and cause altered gene expression
cytoskeletal proteins
alter cell shape or movement
signal transduction pathway
signal, receptor, second messengers and intracellular signalling proteins, target effector proteins, cellular response
receptors are on the cell surface if signalling molecule is unable to cross the plasma membrane
receptors are inside the cell if signalling molecule can diffuse across the membrane
close range signalling
autocrine and paracrine
autocrine signalling
cell also produces signal
paracrine signalling
close range and only produced by one cell binding onto another cell
long range signalling
endocrine, hormone travels in blood stream to target cells
second messengers
small diffusible molecules that relay signal inside the cell, affect a wide variety of enzymes, ion channels, and transporters, and are often coupled to phosphyorylation cascades that amplify the signal
phosphorylation regulates the activity of enzymes in signalling pathways
altered protein synthesis from tranduction
needs SSTF, can bind to DNA to enhance, facilitates initiation complex, and is a slow response
ion channel coupled receptors
important fro neuronal signalling, binding of ligand opens ion channel, regulates the entry of calcium, potassium, or sodium
enzyme coupled receptors
receptor has enzymatic activity or direct association with an enzyme
inactive GPCR
associates with g protein (3 subunits), alpha subunit is bound to GDP
activated GPCR
alpha subunit binds to GTP, disassociates from beta and gamma, and activates second messengers