In movies, wheels (or rotating stimuli) look like they spin backward or at the wrong rate for their actual speed or that they're not spinning at all
This can happen in real life if the light conditions aren't stable (e.g. flickering lights esp. in fluorescent lights)
In film, helicopter blades can look stationary bc same rate as camera
Needs intimate visual stimulation + periodic motion stimulus (aspects are identical; e.g. wheel spokes, rotor blades)
If a spoke was displaced 90 degs across frames, it looks stationary bc they're identical ⇒ no perceived motion in any direction
45deg displacement would be bi-stable bc there's no way to tell direction (you would see flickering + see it going both ways)
Why wheel seem backwards: a major displacement one way will also look like a short displacement the other way. since there's no way to tell the aspects apart, the brain perceives the stimulus to move counter to the actual movement bc the motion system is biased to perceive slower motion