composed of neurons (nerve cells) and Neuroglia/Glial (supporting cellß
determines the path where neural crest cells go
react to various stimuli
transmit impulses
CNS - brain (cerebrum, cerebellum) and spinal cord
PNS - cranial nerves, spinal nerves, ganglia
Ganglia: masses or groups of neuronal bodies or soma, pericarion of nerve cell, grouped to form ganglion
Plexuses: elongated processes that emanate from the neuronal body called axons, grouped into plexuses (made of axonal fibers), extensive network found in the CNS
Nerve or neuronal fiber: groups of axons which made up nerve fibers
Enteric plexuses: GI intestine (location; "eneteri- or entero-")
Functional Division:
Sensory (Afferent) - periphery to CNS, has receptors
Motor (Efferent) - CNS to body, motor info to effectors
Somatic sensory:
receive sensory info from skin, special senses, joints
Visceral Sensory
receive sensory info from viscera
somatic motor
innervate skeletal muscle
autonomic motor
innervates cardiac, smooth muscles
parasympathetic, sympathetic, enteric nervous system
parasympathetic - rest and digest
sympathetic - fight or flight
enteric nervous system - brain of the gut
neurulation - development of neurons
neural plate = neural folds + neural groove
somite - structure important in determining migratory paths or the pathway of the neural crest cells
odontoblast - found in teeth, forms dentine
functional unit
permanent cell: cannot divide
large cell
transmit, receive signals
neuroglia/glial cells
six types
capable of mitosis
for defense
parts of neuron
cell body/perikaryon/soma
cell body/perikaryon/soma
trophic center
owls eye or fish eye nucleus
prominent cluster of RER = nissl bodies/tigroid substance
absence of nissl bodies = neuronal injury ; chromatolysis
nerve processes/fiber
largest volume in cell cytoplasm
little trees
signal reception, processing site of neurons
short, tapering, highly branched
cytoplasm lacks golgi
synapse found in dendritic spines
presence of spines - crucial for neural plasticity
from cell body
long cylindrical projection
toward another neuron
has mitochondria and microtubules
axon hillock - attachment site, pyramidal or triangular, axon originates
axon collateral - branches along length of axon, found in interneurons and motor neurons
axolemma - membrane
axoplasm - contents of axolemma
telodendria - branches found at the ends of axons
boutons - end of telodendria
axon terminal/axon boutons
end of axon and its collaterals
classification of neurons accrdg to no. of processes