Orient family to the facility and how it works
Learn family names and address by name
Get to know family, their likes and dislikes
Get familiar with family routines
Work to build positive and trusting relationship with family
Let family know role is supported
Keep lines of communication open
Always be respectful and kind to family
Encourage expressions of emotions
Reassure family members as they cope with resident's actions, problems and concerns
Provide explanations when asked and refer to supervisor to assist the family when necessary
Refer family concerns to supervisor
Incorporate and honor family wishes, if possible
Allow time for privacy during visits
Permit family members to assist with care if resident does not object
Encourage family to assist with feeding/dining if safe and resident agrees
Encourage family to bring special foods or beverages for resident, if allowed
Use tact in dealing with family complaints and requests that you cannot honor
Avoid involvement in family affairs
Be tactful when asking family member to leave resident's room
Observe effects visit had on the resident and report to supervisor