Involve a build-up of tension, recurrent, irresistible urges to carry out specific behaviours, short-lived euphoria/relief when the behaviour is performed, and distress and dysfunction due to shame/guilt
A 12-item self-report scale, scored from 0 to 4, where the respondent considers thoughts, feelings and actions in the past week. More than 31 out of 44 is considered severe; more than 21 is considered moderate
Collecting extensive quantitative data over the years, enabling individuals' scores to be compared with normative data, facilitating judgments about symptom severity, and allowing for the prioritization of treatment using relatively objective quantitative information
Therapists help clients to visualise disturbing images (unconditioned stimulus) that create unpleasant feelings, such as disgust or shame (unconditioned response)
Therapists interview clients to design personalised guided imagery scripts, including cues that trigger tension/urges and venues where the target behaviour will be performed
Disorders characterized by the inability to resist an urge or craving to engage in a behavior that provides short-term reward or pleasure, despite long-term harmful consequences