The Philippines is home to rich, colorful and lively festivals that are expressions of the religiosity and strong faith of Filipinos
Fiestas showcase Filipino ingenuity at its finest
The fiesta is part and bundle of Filipino culture, and there is always a fiesta going on somewhere in the country
The most elaborate festival of all is Christmas, a season celebrated with all the display and show the fun-loving Filipino can handle
Pahiyas festival
Celebrated every 15th of May in Lucban, in honor of San Isidro Labrador and as a thanksgiving for a rich and bountiful harvest
Making of Kipling (leaf-shaped, multi-colored rice-paste wafers used to decorate houses)
1. Selection of leaves
2. Preparation of rice paste
3. Spreading paste on leaves
4. Steaming
5. Drying and compressing
Obando Fertility Rite
A dance ritual and Catholic festival celebrated every May in Obando, Bulacan to honor and beseech the town's three patron saints
Obando Fertility Rite
Locals and pilgrims dressed in traditional costumes, dance and sing in the town's streets
Couples who are childless can appeal for heavenly intercession and dance to please the Virgin of Salambao
Moriones festival
A week-long festival held during Holy Week in Marinduque, where people wear colorful and realistic Roman costumes and masks depicting the story of St. Longinus
Moriones festival
Wearers' identities remain anonymous till the end of the festival, and they act as mean-tempered Roman soldiers
Ati-Atihan festival
A festival in honor of the Santo Niño, celebrated with rejoicing and energetic merriment on the streets in Kalibo, Aklan
Ati-Atihan festival
People paint their faces in many different ways and dress in creative, outstanding costumes
Native dance competition where competitors cover their body with soot and paint their faces to portray the Ati
Sinulog festival
A native dance in Cebu that commemorates the acceptance of Christianity by the Filipino people
Sinulog festival
Grand street parade with participants decked in brightly colored costumes, usually similar to the Sto. Niños they display
Fluvial Procession on the last day, with a decorated pump boat honoring the Sto. Niño
Dinagyang festival
A festival in Iloilo that is a showcase of the rich heritage, colorful history, passionate devotion and fun-loving spirit of the Ilonggo people, in honor of Senyor Santo Niño
Dinagyang festival
Colorful costumes and headdresses, rhythmic dances of warriors in Aeta costumes, and energetic performances to the thunderous beat of drums
Santacruzan or Flores de Mayo
A festival celebrated in May, with flower offerings for the Blessed Virgin Mary and pageants for the best well-dressed characters
Participants in the Santacruzan procession
Biblical Figures and Traditional Personifications
Obando Fertility Rite
It is celebrated everyMay in Obando, Bulacan.
Dinagyang Festival
A festival in Iloilo that is for the Santo Niño celebrated in January
Santa Cruzan
Also called Flores deMayo that is for Biblical FiguresandTraditionalPersonifications