Rooted in the early works of Darwin on natural selection, sexual selection, and chance, laying the foundation for the modern theory of evolution.
Humans have been breeding plant and animal species for thousands of years–a concept called artificial selection (“breeding”).
Natural Selection: A more general form of artificial selection in which nature rather than people select the traits; involves evolved strategies.
Sexual Selection: Operates when members of the opposite sex find certain traits more appealing and attractive than others and thereby produce offspring with those traits
The one: accessible (physical, cyber, social proprinquity), appealing (similarity, familiarity), interested (reciprocity)
Murstein’s Filter Theory - proximity, attraction, homogamy, compatibility, trial, decision filter, marriage
ADAPTATIONS - volved strategies that solve important survival and/or reproductive problems (e.g., eyes, limbs)
BY-PRODUCTS - Traits that happen as a result of adaptations but are not part of the functional design (driving)
NOISE - Also known as “random effects”; occurs when evolution produces random changes in design that do not affect function (e.g., belly button, mole)
Herbert Spencer coined the term “survival of the fittest”, later commonly termed social Darwinism.
Principles of Evolutionary Psychology:
Why is the mind designed the way it is and how?
How is the human mind designed?
What functions?
How does the evolved mind and environment interact?
Assumes that the true origin of personality is evolution
Personality is nature-nurture
Started with the assumption that individual members of any species differ from one another
Evolutionary theory of personality assumes that adaptive qualities include consistent and unique dispositions to behave in particular ways in particular contexts.
Survival and reproduction are the two fundamental problems of adaptation (although survival is a precondition for reproduction) and are solved using physical and/or psychological mechanisms.
Psychological mechanisms relevant to personality can be grouped intothree main categories: (1) Goals/drives/motives, (2) Emotions (3) Personality traits
Goals - Power (aggression, dominance) and intimacy (love)
EMOTIONS - Are adaptations that directly alert the individual to situations that are either harmful or beneficial
Buss believed that the five main dimensions of personality or dispositions signal to other people their ability to solve survival and reproductive problems.
Surgency ; dominance
Agreeableness - hostility
Conscientiousness - commitment to work
Emotional stability - neuroticism
Openness - intellect
Environmental - early experiential calibration, attachment style, alternative niche special.