drug therapy

Cards (3)

  • nicotine addiction A01 (pt1)
    • nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) - agonist substitution
    • provide nicotine from a less harmful source e.g. gum + nasal spray
    • NRT stimulates nicotine receptors and activates brains reward pathway through release of dopamine to stimulate the receptors in the nucleus accumbens creating the same pleasurable feeling as smoking a cig does.
    • reduction in the withdrawal symptoms removes the unpleasant circumstances of quitting smoking and so continuing with NRT is negatively reinforced
  • drug therapy - gambling addiction
    • Opioid Antagonists (Naltrexone) enhance the the release of the neurotransmitter GABA in the mesolimbic pathway.
    • The increased GABA activity reduces the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens (and ultimately pre-frontal cortex) therefore reducing urge to gamble.
  • A03
    • :) - little motivation, unlike CBT sessions over months, more appropriate treatment
    • :( - negative side effects, sleep disturbance, stomach problems unlike CBT which is non-invasive, may cause individual to stop treatment