Note: Remove any jewelry in the hands, wrists, and fingers.
Soiled Glove Removal
Proper Removal of Gloves:
The wrist part of one glove is grasped by the opposite hand
The glove is pulled inside-out and off the hand
The removed glove is placed in the gloved hand. The fingers of the non-gloved hand are slipped under the wrist of the remaining glove; do not touch the exterior surface
The second glove is pulled out
The gloves must be thrown in the appropriate waste container
Donning of PPE
Gown should be worn first
Masks should be worn next.
Gloves should be worn last.
Note: Goggles, Respirators, Face Shields are worn after the mask, but before the gloves. Gloves are always worn last.
Doffing of PPE
Gloves should be removed first
Gowns should be removed next. Gown should be removed from the shoulders toward the hand.
Mask should be removed last. Remove the mask by holding only the string.
Note: Goggles, Respirators, Face Shields are removed after the gloves.