la belle dame sans merci

Cards (17)

  • La belle dame sans merci

    The beautiful lady without mercy or without thanks
  • Femme fatale
    A dangerous woman who seems beautiful and vulnerable but is actually deceptive, destructive and seductive
  • Poetic form
    • Ballad - a poem that narrates a story in short predictable stanzas, written in quatrains (4-line stanzas)
  • The speaker finds a knight who seems ill at ease

    The speaker asks the knight what is wrong
  • The sedge has withered and there are no birds singing, creating a bleak, wintry landscape
  • The knight is described as haggard, woe-begone, with anguish and fever
  • The knight's life force has been drained, suggesting something has happened to him
  • The lady the knight describes
    A beautiful, fairy-like woman who seduces and entrances the knight
  • The lady's appearance

    • Her hair was long, her foot was light, her eyes were wild
  • The knight made a garland and bracelets for the lady, trying to romance her in a traditional way
  • The lady looked at the knight as if she loved him and made sweet moans
  • The lady led the knight to her elfin grotto (fairy cave) where she wept and sighed
  • The lady lulled the knight to sleep, casting a spell on him
  • The knight dreamed of pale kings, princes and warriors who had been enthralled by the lady
  • The victims cried "La belle dame sans merci hath thee in thrall", meaning the lady has ensnared the knight
  • The knight wakes to find himself alone on the cold hillside, abandoned and loitering
  • The poem ends on a dark, gloomy and ominous note, warning against beautiful but dangerous femme fatales