
Cards (5)

  • what are correlations
    • measure how strong a relationship is between two co-variables with no claim of a cause
  • types of correlations
    -POSITIVE - as one variable increases so does the other
    -NEGATIVE - as one variable increases, the other decreases
    -ZERO - no relationship between variables
  • correlation co-efficient
    • used to measure strength and nature (pos or neg) of the relationship
    • correlation co-effecient number represents the strength of the relationship between -1.0 and +1.0
    • nearer the number is to +1 or -1 the stronger the correlation
    • a perfect positiver correlation has a number of +1 and a perfect negative has -1
  • scattergraph
    • shows correlation between 2 co-variables
    • indicates the degree and direction of the correlation
  • evaluating correlational techniques
    +secondary data can be used which reduces the concern over formed consent as the information is already in the public e.g. government reports
    -not possible to establish cause and effect so researcher can't conclude one variable caused the other to increase or decreae